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“It’s not. It can’t be. Something’s going on.”

I hate to see her like this. Her pain is so clear, and her cheeks are red from crying. Her kitchen assistant uniform is crumpled from our embrace.

“Maybe I can help,” I tell her.


“My job requires connections. Sometimes, I have to hire private detectives to research the people I’m dealing with to ensure they’re legitimate businessmen and not criminals trying to launder money. I can use these resources and connections to look into Graham for you.”

“Would you do that for me?”

There are so many ways I could answer this question. If I told the truth, I’d tell her there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. I would drag Graham by his chef’s hat from the restaurant if she wanted me to.

“Of course,” I say, taming the wilder parts of me… for now. “You deserve to know the truth.”

“It would mean going behind Mom’s back.”

I squeeze her hand. It’s risky remaining this close, especially because Elena could walk down the stairs any second.

“It’s a difficult choice,” I say. “I don’t like the idea any more than you do, but you know what I hate even more? The thought of you driving yourself nuts over this.”

She sighs, sitting back, her cheeks colored red from the crying and her lips pursed as she thinks it over.

“I know, Mom. She won’t tell me anything now. She’s completely closed off. She’ll go on like it never happened if I never mention it again. That’s how she was with Dad for years, not explaining all the stuff he did. The cheating and everything.”

I wait, and she says, “This is all getting so messy. We’realreadysneaking around behind…”

She trails off when the floor creaks upstairs, then lowers her voice. It’s a reminder of how necessary it is to sneak around constantly.

“Maybe Graham will tell me more.”

“I don’t like the idea of you going back there,” I say.

She pulls her hand away, narrowing her eyes. “Why not? It’s my job—a path to mydream.”

“I know, but you told me your dad was involved with junkies and crime. Now Graham—a man who’s already shown he’s a complete douche—seems to have known your dad. I don’t like the connection. What if he’s dangerous?”

Passion flares into her eyes, which draws my mind to the future when she’ll aim that protective fire at anybody who dares to hurt our children.

“This is my choice,” she says. “He won’t hurt me at a busy restaurant. He’s a successful man with a reputation to uphold. Sure, he’s an ass, but that doesn’t mean he’s violent.”

I grind my teeth, feeling awkward, kneeling next to the chair, but it fits with me kneeling in front of her. It reminds me of last night, pressing my face between her legs. There’s also affection as I think about kneeling in an entirely different context with a ring in my hand.

“Anyway, I’m not quitting.”

I smirk. “You’re too stubborn for your own good.”

“Not that stubborn if last night is any indication.”

I take a moment to realize what she’s talking about.

The sex. Thenearsex.

“That wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have rushed you, and you’re changing the subject.”

“Maybe I am, but I’ve made my decision. I will not let that man force me from my job, and about last night…”

She bites her lip, then releases it. That small moment alone is enough to have me thinking of kissing her and doing more, even with Elena upstairs—all when I know Noah could come home any second.
