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“Yeah. Henri has a family emergency.”

She comes over to the table where I’m working on my laptop to throw her arms around my neck. “Should you still be working?”

“That’s my daughter.” Gareth grins broadly at his smiling daughter. “She knows the mind of her father.”

Ignoring her dad, I kiss her cheek. “I’m only fixing this one bug in the code. Besides, I’m pregnant, not an invalid. How was school today?”

She pulls a chair beside me and sits. “Amazing.”

I put my laptop aside and listen as she gives me a rundown of how the guy Michelle has a crush on finally said hello to her.

“Michelle was tongue-tied. It was embarrassing how she stared at Todd with rosy cheeks and all.”

I laugh as I remember my crush when I was thirteen. He was a nerd like me and was more interested in his books. I guess I was always destined to end up with a nerd, albeit a sexy, gorgeous one. I glance at Gareth and find him staring at me. He winks at me, and I smile, blushing.

“You two are insufferable. Dad, please focus on your cooking so I can have her full attention. I swear, being in the same room with you guys is frustrating. You act like teenagers having their first taste of love. Sheesh!”

Gareth and I laugh heartily.

After we finish catching up, Amber helps her dad with dinner while I quickly finish my work.

Afraid that Gareth might exact his revenge on her in his rage, Linda came to the house to apologize. I accepted it graciously because I was so happy to be with the man I loved and no longer needed to sneak around with. Amber, in anger, moved out of the house and joined us at Gareth’s. It took my and her dad’s intervention for her to forgive Linda and return home. But as Linda is presently vacationing in Greece with her much older multi-millionaire man friend, Amber is staying with us. Her relationship with Gareth has significantly improved. They are very close, especially when they team up to convince me to avoid working in my current condition. Since completing his anger management classes, Gareth no longer experiences bouts of anger. When he does become upset, he goes to the gym to release his emotions, although this happens infrequently. Overall, he is much more relaxed and composed now.

We settle down to a tasty dinner, discussing our Christmas and New Year plans. After dinner, Amber goes to her room to do her assignments while Gareth and I cuddle on the sofa to watch television. I wince a little when our baby kicks again.

“That’s it. After this, no more babies,” I declare with a pout.

Gareth chuckles. “Are you sure? If I remember correctly, you were the one who begged to get off the pill because you couldn’t wait to have my kids.”

A thick blush covers my face. “Well, that was before I was getting kicked every hour of the day.”

He kisses my forehead. “Fine, honey. Whatever you want. But…”

I curve my head to stare at him. “But what?”

“When we discovered we were having a boy and Amber was disappointed because she wanted a baby sister, I remember you promised her that the next baby would be a girl.”

I groan loudly. I forgot about my promise to her. Truth be told, I wanted a baby girl as well.

“Besides, you can’t keep your hands off me. Not that I’m complaining.” He kisses my lips. “Furthermore, you look amazing being pregnant. I get a kick every time I see your rounded belly where our son is nestled. If it weren’t for the discomfort, I would love to keep you pregnant all the time.”

Giggling, I return his kiss. “You say the nicest things, my darling tech billionaire husband.”

“I love you, my precious and clumsy cyber security wife.”

After another kiss, I concede. “Maybe one more baby wouldn’t be so bad. To make Amber happy.”

He roars with laughter. “If you say so, my love. If you say so.”

The End
