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“Maybe? I don’t know. It might not work.”

“It would work.” His voice was thick with certainty. “If I train you alone, there will be no violence to see. Just you and I, moving our bodies.”

The words weren’t even that suggestive, but my mind steered us straight back to that warm waterfall, and the makeout session we’d shared.

My face was hot when I spoke again. “We could try it. I don’t feel as sure about us succeeding as you seem, but I’d like to try. If the klynnas get out, I don’t want to be helpless.”

“I won’t leave you defenseless,” he said firmly.

“I know, but I also don’t want you or anyone else babysitting me. Iwantto learn how to fight. I just don’t want any shitty memories coming back, or to have to numb myself to any more of my life than I already have.”

His hand landed gently on my thigh. “I’ll teach you, Iloli. Do you want to start now, or take a few days to think about it?”

I made a face. “I’ve been avoiding shit for a week now. I’m tired of putting things off.”

He chuckled, setting his journal down on the couch. “Now it is.”

“Where do you want to do it?”

“There’s plenty of space in here. I’ll just move the couch.”

I hopped up, taking the rest of my shelled fruit to the fridge and tucking it away. There were a few other fruits and vegetables stored inside it, and I noticed a few of the roundbirth control fruits, as me and the other women had taken to calling them.

“You planning on fucking me?” I asked him, grabbing one of the fruits and holding it up.

He let out a booming laugh. “Those have been there since before I met you.”

Huh. I sniffed them, but they smelled fine. “How do they last so long after being picked?”

“It takes years for fruit to go bad here. Is it different on Earth?”

“Yup.” I put the fruit back and shut the fridge. “Are you dying for a baby? I know some of the male fae are desperate for it; I’ve heard them talking.”

“Those males should chase the female fae, then. The only thing I’mdying foris a completed mate bond that prevents Teris from looking twice at you,” Remmo said, as he settled the couch into place against a previously-bare stretch of wall. “Having our scents permanently intertwined is what calls to me. If we decided to have a child, I would figure out how to be a good father. But all I truly want is you.”

Well, that sure as hell made my heart nice and toasty.

He stepped away, turning around and surveying the room before dipping his head once. “We’ll need more space when we begin to wrestle, but for now, this will work.”

Did he saywrestle?

Maybe I needed to rethink my choice in trainer.

His gaze lifted to me, and scanned me slowly.

My face heated.

“We’ll need a pair of the seelie’s female clothing for you to practice in. The dress isn’t practical for fighting—and those panties will be the death of me if you’re constantly changing positions.”

A snort escaped me. “Alright. You want to head back to the Stronghold today?”

“Not particularly.” He ran a hand through his hair, disheveling the waves as he mentally ran over the options.

“How about we just chill until tomorrow?” I suggested. “We can eat fruit, and I can help you look through your journals if you’re cool with it.”

He nodded, and his shoulders relaxed slightly. “That sounds nice.” He paused. “I do need you to shower, though. You don’t smell like yourself.”

“The scent is probably embedded in my clothes too,” I pointed out.
