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I nodded again.

Almost there.

Almost there.

Almost there.

He finally stepped free of the tunnel, and eased me out of it too.

His arms engulfed me, and I took in a staggering breath as he hugged me tightly to his chest.

It should’ve made me feel more trapped, but as he held me while I shut my eyes and just focused on breathing in Remmo’s scent, my heart rate slowed.

I was alright.

Everything was okay.

“Thanks,” I whispered to him. “I think I’m good now.”

He slowly released me, and I brushed my lips over his cheek in a quick kiss without thinking about it.

He went still, and as my face warmed, I turned to look out at the room he’d led me into.

My mouth parted when I saw a massive tree that seemed to be growingintothe cave’s walls and ceiling. Stone entwined with branches, stretching through the entire massive space that the cave offered. The ceiling was hundreds of feet above us—and the cave seemed to grow even higher than it. There had to be millions and millions of thick leaves attached to the thing, all glowing a deep emerald green color.

I could see small animals of some kind, climbing around. A few of them were eating some type of fruit that looked as if it were growing on the tree, but wasn’t glowing.

“I believe this tree to be one of the goddess Vevol’s power sources,” Remmo told me, as we both continued staring at the monstrous tree. “If you tap into your magic, you’ll feel how it swells here.”

“It’s a sacred place, then,” I said, as I kneeled on the stone and put my palms to the cave floor. My eyes closed as I searched for my magic, and when I found it, I took a sharp breath in.

It didn’t feel like a stream anymore.

It felt like a heartbeat.

As I lingered, I could hear the steady rhythm.




“This world really is alive,” I whispered.

“It is.” His voice was soft.

“Would you mind if we stayed here a while? I think I want to keep listening.”

“We’ll stay as long as you’d like,” he assured me.

I remained where I was, eyes closed and palms on the stone while I listened to and felt the heartbeat of Vevol. It was calming… and it made me feel peace.



