Page 100 of Appointing
I walk into the kitchen just as Milosh drops his phone from his ear, turning when he hears footsteps.
‘That was Henry. I updated him on everything from after the gala to now. Him and Amelia are gonna stay in Italy because that’s the safest place for them right now, but as soon as this is over they’ll fly back.’
‘Okay, but they’re all right, yes? No one has come looking for them?’
He shakes his head. ‘No, they’re okay.’ His eyes drop to my hand. ‘Why are you holding that?’
‘Oh.’ How did I manage to forget about such a bigthing in the space of two minutes?
I walk up to him and hold the perfume up to the light.
‘Do you see that?’
‘Look inside the perfume.’ I lift my hand a little higher and tip it slowly.
‘Is that…?’
‘Well, what do we do?’
‘Nothing for now. Put it back in your bag and forget about it. They’re gonna have the replica ready and on its way to your house by the end of today, so we wait and see what happens. After the raid is complete and everyone who’s a threat is in custody, we’ll tell Major Davis. But for now, we wait.’
He takes the bottle from my hands and holds it at eye level, moving it around to see the locket. ‘How did George get it in there?’ he mumbles to himself.
I scoff. ‘My father has a weird ability to exceed the laws of physics, apparently.’
He hands it back to me. ‘Well. Good job, George, I guess.’
It’s later in the day when I wake on the sofa with a gasp, clutching my chest and sitting bolt upright. I reacquaint myself with my surroundings.
The distinct smell of spaghetti bolognese wafts in from the kitchen as I brush my hair out of my face.
After breakfast me and Milosh spent our time studying BSL and watching a film. It was when I was wrapped up in Milosh’s warm arms as we watchedThe Avengersthat I drifted off. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep for but judging by the blazing sun coming from the window and the smell of cooking I would say it’s maybe 2 p.m.
Leaning down and putting my head between my knees, I start trying to calm my breathing. Somehow during my short nap I had another nightmare.
The same one but a lot more vivid.
I need blueberries.
I need blueberries and a glass of water, right now.
Getting up, I make my way into the kitchen only to be greeted by a sexy, cooking Milosh. I don’t know where the man learned to cook but I’m glad he did, because I certainly can’t. I burn water.
‘Oh, you’re awake,’ Milosh says, coming to kiss the top of my head. ‘How did you sleep?’
I open the fridge and start my search for blueberries. ‘I had another nightmare.’
Milosh groans. ‘I don’t think there are any blueberries in the fridge.’
‘Oh, that’s okay.’