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Elizabeth wished that she could do better for Alex. She wanted to take her on a real date, with flowers and chocolates and a kiss goodnight on the front stairs.

Alex insisted that she didn’t need any of that. Elizabeth believed that she was telling the truth, but she also knew that Alex certainly wouldn’t complain were any of those things on offer.

But they weren’t, so Elizabeth did what she could. Tonight, it was her turn to come up with a date idea for them that didn’t involve being in public. They had already had a movie and pizza night, as well as a night with a sensual bath in water filled with roses and essential oil. They’d done a games night, where Elizabeth had ruled at scrabble, but Alex had slaughtered her in chess.

It was impossible to keep anything a surprise when Alex had to shadow her every step, so Elizabeth didn’t bother to try.

“So, what are we doing tonight?”

“I’m going to cook for you, then use this on you.” Elizabeth pulled out the massage oil she’d ordered via online shopping. “Then, after I’ve massaged every part of you, I’m going to kiss every inch of your skin and finally make you come so hard you see stars.”

“That sounds perfect.” Alex’s eyes were already slightly darkened with lust just on hearing the description. Elizabeth loved how responsive she was.

“But no helping me with the cooking this time. We’ve already discovered that smoke inhalation is not sexy.”

“Hey, it wasn’t that bad!”

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, it totally was,” Alex admitted with a rueful chuckle. “Someday, you have to teach me to cook like you do. I want to contribute here.”

“I don’t mind doing it. You do the dishes when I cook, which is the worst part anyway.”

“I much prefer dishes to cooking. They don’t decide not to get clean because the water isn’t exactly the right temperature, or the soap isn’t the right brand, or you don’t scrub them the exact number of times they require in a clockwise direction while making sacrifices to an arcane cooking goddess.”

“I do not make sacrifices to an arcane cooking goddess.”

“I have yet to be convinced of that.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, trying and failing to hide her smile. “Let’s go get those groceries. I want to do a proper roast tonight, and that’ll take time.”

The roast did indeed take time, but it was worth it. Even sweeter than the chocolate mousse Elizabeth bought for dessert was the sound of Alex’s moans of pleasure while Elizabeth massaged and kissed her, finally bringing her to orgasm with the strap-on dildo they had purchased just the week before.

As they lay in bed afterward, Elizabeth allowed her mind to wander. “I want to take you out to a restaurant.”

Alex propped herself up on an elbow. “What happened to being discreet?”

“We don’t have to make it look like a date. We’ll go somewhere casual. We’ve been living together for weeks now. It’s only natural that we’ll have developed a friendship—at least, that’s what I’ll tell any nosy reporters. And besides, you’re my bodyguard. Of course you are out in public with me. Lunch is less romantic than dinner anyway. I’m sure no one will suspect if we do it just the once.”

“You’re right, it should be safe enough, if you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“Then I guess we’re going to lunch.”

Elizabeth didn’t miss the excitement sparkling in Alex’s eyes and wished for maybe the hundredth time that she could give Alex more. The thing was, she knew Alex was happy. Joy positively radiated from her. Sure, the hiding aspect may not be ideal, but when Alex told Elizabeth she was content, Elizabeth was sure that she meant it.

She worried that one day, Alex would decide she wanted more, and Elizabeth wouldn’t be able to give her that. Being a female politician was hard enough. Being a gay female politician… Well, it would be near impossible to achieve her goals if she came out.

She appealed to the LGBT+ community, of course, but they were only a small percentage of the population. The majority of her supporters were allies, or people who were aligned with her other policies and had no feelings one way or the other about LGBT+ rights.

It was those that Elizabeth worried about. They may not see themselves as homophobic, but voting for a straight politician who supported gay rights and had sensible policies in other areas was very different from voting for a gay politician who supported gay rights and had sensible policies in other areas.

It would be tantamount to declaring undying allegiance to the LGBT+ community, and as much as Elizabeth wished otherwise, she knew that many of her supporters weren’t ready to do that.

For now, though, she tried to be content with what she had. She hoped that her relationship and her career wouldn’t clash in the future, but she knew that she couldn’t control the future. She could only do her best to live life as well as she could now and do her best to ensure that her future was free of complications.

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