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“It must be tough, being young, smart, and beautiful.” He used a teasing tone.

“You should know,” she retorted. “I feel sorry for you, having to fend off women who judge you solely on your looks. Like our flight attendant, for example.”

“That situation with Layla wasn’t typical.”

“Um-hm. I’m sure it’s highly unusual for women to flirt with you.” It was too dark to see, but he knew Carly was rolling her eyes. “That’s probably why you said so many awkward things when we were talking on the plane. Oh, wait... that was me!”

He laughed. “You had a few awkward moments. But overall, I’d say you held your own. You can’t expect me to believe guys aren’t falling all over you.”

“They may fall over Faye Fortune. But they go running if they meet the real me.”

“I’ve met the real you. And I wouldn’t run, even if I could.”

“You’ve only met Faye Fortune. The real me has issues and a ton of baggage.”

She tried to laugh, but it came out full of sadness. Now he wanted to know what had caused that kind of pain.

“Let me meet Carly. I’m a good listener.” He turned down an unmarked road. “And we have twenty more minutes before we get to Bran’s.”

“You don’t want to hear about my problems.”

“Sure, I do.” He slowed the vehicle as they passed over a bridge.

“Well... I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I don’t talk about stuff. Even my best friend complains about it.”

“Ah! It’s a challenge! I accept!”

“No, that wasn’t a—”

“I’ll get you to share something with me that you haven’t told your best friend.”

“That wasn’t a challenge, but if it were, you’d lose.”

“We’ll see.” He chuckled, to put her at ease, but he was serious about his intentions. He wanted to break down those barriers and really know her.

“Has anyone ever told you that you were stubborn?”

“Anyone who knows me.”

“I’m not surprised.” She went quiet for a moment. Was she contemplating opening up to him, after all? “I’m kind of nervous about meeting your friend.”

“Because he’s blind?”

“I don’t care that he’s blind. I’m worried because he’s a billionaire.” She shuddered. “Rich people make me jumpy. I get awkward and say embarrassing things.”

“Ah! That explains the stuff you said about my muscles.”

“That was just my normal level of awkwardness. It would’ve been even worse if you were rich.” Her sudden intake of air was audible. “Wait! Are you rich, too?”

He bit his lips. Though he didn’t approach the immense wealth of the four Phantom Enterprise owners, his holdings had just pushed him into the billionaire category. “I’m not exactly poor.”

Her hands came up to cover her face, absorbing whatever mumbled reply she made.

“But I don’t think you’re awkward. More like...unguarded.”

“Another word forrash, right?” She groaned. “It’s the story of my life. My mouth works faster than my brain. Bran is going to think I’m an idiot.”

“Just tell him you’re working with a Limitless grant. You’ll be in like flint. I already got permission to bring you. It’s not like you’re going to get turned away at the door.”

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