Page 70 of That Touch

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“Seriously breathtaking,” I say again as Ranger comes up behind me. We look out over our backyard. The arch of flowers is accompanied with chairs already in place, with the chairs at the ends of the rows adorned with matching floral pieces. It looks like a fairy tale.

“Are you still sure you want to marry me today?” He kisses my neck, his arms resting on my belly, which has officially popped.

“More than sure.”

“How’s my girl doing today?”

I place my hands over his. “She’s excited, I think.”

Thankfully, I’ve had an extremely easy pregnancy, with barely any morning sickness in the first trimester and only a touch of fatigue throughout my second.

“And what about you? Nervous? Excited?” He spins me around to face him, my arms wrapping around his neck.

“Excited, very excited.” I pull him down to meet my lips, my tongue sliding past them just as someone coughs behind us.

“You’re not married yet,” Brennan, my soon-to-be mother-in-law jokes. “Better be careful or you’ll get pregnant.”

I laugh and walk over to hug her, and I see Ranger’s Aunt Celeste and Aunt Autumn waving at me from the back deck.

“Tell your son to stop misbehaving,” I joke. “This place looks unbelievable.”

“You promise you didn’t sneak any peeks? I was worried you’d see it before today.”

“No, I promise,” I assure her. She’d made me swear that I wouldn’t look out back over the last two days while everything was decorated. The reception tent is also in place, with the dance floor, tables, and chairs decorated to match the altar area. “But seriously, thank you so much, it’s just—” I wave away the emotions that take over, tears bubbling up.

“Ohhh,” she pulls me in for another hug, “those pregnancy hormones are getting the best of you.”

When Ranger proposed a month ago, I confided in him that all I wanted was a simple ceremony in the backyard of our home with just friends and family. He’d said he wanted the same thing. It feels like since we grew up together in a small town, it was only fitting to keep it intimate . . . although given that I’m marrying into the Slade family, it’s not that small of a wedding.

“I just can’t believe I’m marrying your son.” I fight back the tears. “After all these years and after everything, it just feels so surreal. I am so lucky to have all of you. I just wish my mom were still here and my dad could experience all of this.”

“I know your mom is watching over you, and she would be so proud of you. Have you talked to your dad about the baby?” she asks as we take a seat on the chairs.

“Yes, Ranger and I have gone together a few times to visit my dad, and I still go twice a week to sit with him. He has no memory of me at all anymore, and it’s been that way for quite some time, actually. It’s hard not to be selfish about it at times. Sometimes I just want to stop going because it kills me to see him like that—to have to introduce myself to him every time.”

“Oh, sweetie, that’s not selfish.” Brennan rubs my back. “I can’t imagine that pain, and I think it’s completely normal to feel that way. It’s like you’re having to mourn the loss of someone while they’re still alive.”

“That’s exactly what it feels like. But I’m so thankful that your son has always been so amazing with all of it. You know he visited my dad a few times every month for years without me even knowing it?” My chin quivers mentioning it. Ranger told me just recently that he’s consistently visited my dad over the years, completely solidifying what I’ve always known about him: that he’s an amazing man.

“I didn’t know that, but that sounds like Ranger. That boy’s had a heart of gold since he was a baby. His brother, too.”

“We actually told my dad about our engagement first. He smiled so big, but he had no idea who I was. It’s just—” my breath catches, “he’s still so young at only 68 to have this horrible disease. He was always so strong and capable.” I let the tears flow for a moment, Brennan just sitting with me in silence, comforting me. “All that to say, it means the world to me that you and Colton have always welcomed me as if I were one of your own. I’m so thankful to be marrying into the most amazing family, and I can’t thank Colton enough for offering to walk me down the aisle.”

“We love you so much, Dolly. Always have. We couldn’t be more happy that our son finally came to his senses about you.” She laughs. “I was starting to think we were going to have to set up an intervention with him. And as for Ranger’s dad walking you down the aisle, he couldn’t be happier. Don’t tell him I told you this,” she glances around and then leans in a bit closer, “but after you kids told us you were pregnant, he was so happy that he cried like a baby.”

“I promise I won’t say anything.” I laugh. “I should probably start getting ready.” I glance around the yard one more time. “Brooklyn and Amelia will be here soon to do my hair and makeup.”

“Okay, sweetie.” We stand up and Brennan hugs me one more time. “And don’t forget to take in every second of today. I know you’ll be busy and socializing, but it flies by. Try to sneak away and have a moment alone with your husband—just a moment for the two of you.”

I walk back up to the house just as Brooklyn and Amelia arrive to help me get ready.

* * *

“You ready to do this,Mrs. Slade?” Ranger squeezes my hand, glancing over at me as we wait behind the curtain of the reception tent for the DJ to announce us.

“Very!” I smile giddily.

“Are you feeling okay? Your feet hurting?”
