Page 66 of That Touch

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“A little.” She shrugs. “Totally worth it.” She rolls to her side so that she’s facing me.

“Wasn’t too rough, was it?” I brush her hair out of her face, worried I may have pushed things too far last night. We’ve both discussed our sexual desires and limits, and we’ve certainly been exploring more of them lately.

“No, it was rough, but it was exciting and I still felt safe . . . and satisfied.” A lazy grin pulls at her lips.

“I just want you to know that my desire to handle you a little roughly or push your limits or control you isn’t rooted in some fucked-up desire to do that outside the bedroom. One of the many things I adore about you is how self-sufficient and independent you are. You’re an incredibly accomplished woman and you’re going to be such an amazing role model for our daughter.”

This feeling of excitement uncoils in my stomach just as Dolly’s face lights up. It’s like in this moment, we’re both experiencing the same feeling without even verbalizing it.

“I can’t believe we’re having a daughter together. I don’t know why, but hearing you say it like that, it just hit me all over again.” Tears linger on the brims of her eyes.

“I know, baby.” I kiss her forehead, resting mine against it as we hold each other. It still feels like I’m dreaming at times—like this is all too good to be true. “You ready for some coffee and breakfast?”

“That sounds lovely.”

I’ve been sleeping in one day a week, usually on Sundays, so I can spend the morning with Dolly. Life as a rancher is seven days a week, so I still go into work a little later, unless we already have plans for the day.

“Okay, I’ll go put a pot on and come get you once breakfast is finished. Any special requests today, or are you still on your French toast kick?”

She smiles. “I was thinking eggs over easy, but now that you mentioned French toast . . .”

“I know you too well.” I throw the covers off and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, standing to walk to the bathroom. “I’ll shower first, then you can while I make breakfast.”

“I can’t join you?” She pouts.

“Mmm, you know I’d love that, but then we’d never eat breakfast and I’d have you in all sorts of compromising positions. I think your body needs a little rest.”

She lifts the blanket and looks around before turning her attention to the floor. “Where is that vibrator from last night?”

I march toward her, flipping the blankets off her and grabbing her ankles. Before she can grip the sheets, I yank her down the bed, causing her to squeal. I plant my hands on either side of her head as I lean over her.

“You’re a naughty little thing, you know that?”

“I thought I was a good girl last night.” She gives me that sexy little smirk that always gets her what she wants.

“You were a very good girl, taking my cock in so many different ways.” I lift my hand, dragging my fingertips lightly down her neck, between her breasts, till I reach her pussy. “And it seems like you’re ready to take it again, aren’t you?”


“Is that a question or a demand?”


“Mmm.” I bring my fingers to my lips and lick them, her flavor making my mouth water and my cock beg for release. “How about you ask me that from your knees in the shower and I’ll think about it?”

I grab her wrists and pull her up, pushing her in front of me as we walk to the shower.

“Does that mean I get to be in control this time?” she asks as we reach the shower and I open the glass door.

“Don’t fucking push it.” I smack her ass, promising myself I won’t go too hard on her this morning.

* * *

“Mmm,”Dolly moans as she wraps her lips around a forkful of French toast. “So good, baby.”

“Should I be jealous that that’s the same sound you made an hour ago when my cock was buried inside you?”

She smiles. “Yeah, but this time I mean it.”
