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He turns when he hears me in the kitchen and points to the stove, looking like a kid who just completed his first solo art project. “Lasagna.”

The floor dips and I sway just as the lights go out.



“Fuck,” I growl the word as I step forward, just managing to catch the curvy woman as she lunges for the floor. Is she hurt? What if she’s been shot or beaten or worse? The thought has me panicking. Not much scares me these days but the thought of someone hurting this precious woman puts a knot of fear in my gut.

I pull her close and survey my options. The kitchen table is too hard, and I can’t even get to my couch anymore. I’ve been meaning to clean the place up and move my scrap metal out to the workshop. But well, it’s not like I ever have company. If you don’t count the runaway I’m holding in my arms.

It feels right to be holding her even though I know I don’t deserve the small comfort. I’ve never sheltered or protected anyone. It’s not in my genes. The only thing flowing through my veins is pure evil. I can’t let myself hurt her. Just the thought makes me feel like I can’t breathe.

When I get to my room, a space that’s just as cluttered, I put her on the bed. It takes superhuman strength to let her go. I already want to own her, to possess her. I’m a sick fuck. That’s why the moment she’s well, I’ll send her on her way.

The minutes tick by slowly as I wait for her to regain consciousness. I just want to see those blue eyes again. I need to know if she’s OK.

I consider undressing her long enough to check for injuries but then I don’t. No, what I need to do is call Cash. He’s the town doctor, and he’ll tell me how to help her.

With shaking fingers, I unlock my phone. I’m about to dial him when she stirs. She makes a soft, pained noise. My heart hurts when I hear it.

I take a step closer to the bed and start to touch her only to drop my hand. I don’t know why I want to touch her. All I know is that I do. I want to feel her skin against mine, always. I want to be connected with her in every way. “Easy.”

She gives me a scowl of her own, but I can’t help chuckling. It’s so damn adorable. Just like when Princess gets mad at me, there’s no real venom in it. “How did I get here?”

“You were hiding out in a car.” Shit, maybe she has a head injury. It’s time for Cash to evaluate her even if I hate the idea of him talking with her or examining her or hell, just looking at her. Maybe I’ll blindfold the fucker first. Doesn’t matter that the man is happily married with kids of his own. “You may have hit your head today. I’ll call the doc—”

She sits up fast, those beautiful blue eyes wide with panic. “Don’t. No medical help.”

No cops and no medical attention. She’s in deep shit. It was something I knew already but this only confirms it.

A smart man would send her on her way, but one look at her and I can’t do that. I have to fix this for her. I have to set her free from the monster that put the terrified look in her eyes. “You have to tell me what we’re up against.”

She starts to shake her head then stops. Instead, she lifts her chin in a move of defiance. “I just want a hot meal then I’ll be gone.”

I think about my life before, about how important it was to be in control. I can give her that for now. I can let her think she’s in control. Then once she trusts me, I’ll figure out what has her running scared. I’ll demolish the threat and then...well, I don’t know what comes after that. She leaves, I guess. Even as I think the thought, something in me snarls at it.

There’s a beast inside that wants to own her, possess her. He’s telling me that I bought her. But he’s a screwed-up fucker, so I don’t listen to him. Instead, I do my best to give her a reassuring smile. Actually, I think I just bare my teeth. It’s been a long time since I’ve attempted a smile. “Come on. I’ll get you some water.”

She tries to stand again but wobbles on her feet.

Dammit, I’m not going to watch her struggle. I don’t ever want to see her struggle. There’s something in me that can’t stand it. Scooping her into my arms, I carry her back to the kitchen and help her sit on a chair.

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