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“She’s not your property,” my father repeats.

Trace shakes his head, a smile playing at his lips. His hand finds mine and he gives it a gentle squeeze. “Some addicts coming through here sold her to me, so yeah, she is mine.”

My father waves a hand. “I understand. You’re a businessman. You’re looking for a return on your investment, so name your price.”

Roman coughs, and Trace doesn’t even spare him a glance. I think it may have been some signal between the two of them. But I’m too busy watching my dad and Carl, his second-in-command. I’m worried they’ll give the signal to open fire on us.

“Any man worthy of your daughter would tell you that she’s priceless. Her soul is pure sunshine, and her strength shines through everything she does. No dollar tag can be attached to her.”

My heart melts at his words despite the tense situation. He says the sweetest stuff about me.

The slight twitch of his left eye is the only thing that reveals my father is angry. He’s spent too many years perfecting an excellent poker face to lose his shit now. “Fine. You have her. What will you give me in return?”

There’s a whizzing sound and before I can even process what’s happened, my father has dropped to his knees. His men aim their weapons toward the trees but there’s nothing and no one.

Trace steps forward and kneels in the dirt with my father before Carl can get to him.

“Don’t shoot,” my father grits out the command, sounding pained. His words are met with nothing but respect as each man lowers his gun.

My mountain man says something in a low voice then pulls the arrow from his shoulder and helps him to his feet.

Fire blazes in my father’s gaze as he glances at me. Blood trickles down his arm, and he’s holding his shoulder at an odd angle. “You’ve clearly made your choice, and I will respect it.”

Trace makes a noise, and my father quickly adds, “I will never darken your doorstep again. You have my word.”

I don’t say anything. I don’t know this man making promises, and it hurts my heart.

My father nods to his men and they swarm around him, helping him into his vehicle. I watch the big SUV lumber back down the road until it’s nothing more than a tiny dot.

I turn to Trace. He’s busy talking with Roman, the two of them deep in discussion.

“Is that it?” I ask, releasing a breath. “Am I really free from him?”

He turns from his conversation to wrap an arm around my waist. “Yeah, you’re free, sweet girl.”

My knees buckle as relief flows through my veins. It’s over. Trace and I are free from our pasts. We can move forward now. We can build a life.

Trace picks me up before I can tumble to the ground. He pulls me into his arms bridal style and calls over his shoulder that he’ll catch up with Roman later. Then he’s carrying me into our cabin. He settles with me on the couch, pausing to brush hair from my face. “You’re free now.”

Tears slip down my cheeks at his words. All of this stress I’ve been carrying for the past two weeks is rolling off my shoulders. We’re free to be together.

He lets me cry, stroking my hair and whispering sweet nothings under his breath. He rocks me, comforting me with his presence and reassuring me that I’m safe now.

When I finally stop crying, he wipes my face and smiles down at me. Tenderness and affection are in his gaze. How did I get this lucky? How did I go from being a prisoner in my own home to finding the love of my life here on this remote mountain?

His words from earlier come back to me. “You called me your future wife.”

His smile is soft. “I have the ring. I wanted to ask you tonight, but it slipped out when we were talking.”

My heart is so happy that it feels like I could float away. This handsome mountain man wants to make me his wife. I cup his face, his beard soft against my palm. “For the record, I’ll say yes.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’d drag you to the courthouse either way,” he teases.

I laugh at his mock threat. This man would never make me do anything I don’t want to. His every thought is about what I want and how he can provide it for me.

“I love you,” he whispers.

“I love you, too.” I lean up and press my lips against his, sealing our love with a kiss. For the first time in a long time, it’s easy to breathe. I feel light and carefree. More than that, I’m happy. I’m in love with an incredible man and my future looks bright.



I pace up and down the steps of my front porch, needing to feel my body in motion. There’s been restless energy inside of me all morning as I countdown to the moment that I can finally claim Molly as my wife in front of all our friends and family.

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