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Caleb looks into my eyes. I see a longing in them that makes something inside me constrict.

I flush as I feel a sudden heat rise within me. I've never felt this attracted to a man before, like my whole body has become charged. The feeling is strangely familiar, like a memory from another life, long ago, and I feel myself rushing toward its completion.

But that doesn't make any sense because I'm an eighteen-year-old virgin. I've never even kissed a man, much less had sex with one.

Caleb steps closer to me, pressing my back against the wall. His warm breath on my neck sends chills down my spine, and I try to squirm away, but he holds my arms above my head. I’m torn between wanting him to stay and wanting him to go, and the battle in my mind keeps me frozen in place.

"Don't fear me, little one," he breathes, his breath ghosting across my throat and making me tremble with a confusing mixture of excitement and desire.

Caleb's fingers tremble as he fumbles with the buttons on my blouse, and I feel my stomach tightening as he removes my jeans. With a sharp intake of breath, he pulls my panties off and throws them on the floor. I feel exposed and vulnerable as he bares me before him, but at the same time, I can feel a thrill in the air. Iwanthim to take me, but I'm also afraid of what might happen.

"Forgive me, Lord, for what I'm about to do," Caleb repents before he leans in and begins to whisper sweet words into my ear as he gently caresses my skin. His touch is gentle but firm, sending waves of pleasure radiating through my body. My heart races, and I feel myself melting into him, his voice a constant companion to the feelings coursing through me.

He kisses me softly, then more passionately as we explore each other with our hands. I gasp at everything he does, responding eagerly to Caleb's every touch. The sensations are overwhelming, pushing me further and further away from reality until it's only the two of us standing alone in front of the altar, alone in our blissful—probably sinful—embrace.

Until suddenly I hear the bang of the church doors opening.



Heaven freezes in my arms, and I internally curse.Motherfuck!

My cock is hard as granite, and Heaven is standing here damn near naked as the day she was born.

I shield her with my body and hold a finger up to my lips before I start leading her behind the pulpit where we can hide while she slips her clothes back on.

So much for repentance. I came in here seeking solace yet got lost in this little lamb's luscious body.

I can't help but admire her curves as we try to make our escape.

We quickly make it to the back of the church and I help Heaven dress, then take her hand and lead her out an exit I had noticed earlier. We rush through the streets, trying to avoid being seen by anyone who may recognize us, and I can feel Heaven's trembling fingers in mine. She's scared, but she follows me trustingly, and that fills me with guilt.

She wouldn't be in this situation were it not for me.

What right do I have to put my hands on this innocent little angel? I'm accused of murder. The entire town hates me. I turned to the only place left for me to go, and no sooner do I end up asking the Almighty for forgiveness do I commit another sin.

Damn me for dragging her into this, I think as I lead Heaven through the woods and to my cabin.

I can feel the fear radiating from her as we walk, and so I do my best to reassure her. "It's alright," I say, my voice low and gentle. "You're safe here with me. They've got it all wrong. I'm not guilty of murder."

My words seem to calm her somewhat, and she looks up at me with wide eyes full of questions.

But that's a conversation for another time.

By the time we reach my cabin, Heaven's more relaxed than when we began our journey, but still wary of me. We enter the small wood frame house, and she looks around curiously at everything inside—the furniture made out of tree stumps, the quilts draped across the bed frames hand-stitched by my grandmother years ago, the bookshelves lined with old novels that have been passed down for generations in my family.

The sun is setting outside now, and a warm orange glow fills the room.

"Why have you brought me here?"

"I don't know," I tell her honestly as I spear my fingers through my hair. "I panicked."

"Me too," Heaven agrees softly as she skims her fingertips absently over my countertop. My cock hardens as I imagine that feather-light touch skimming across my aching balls.

"My father would have killed us both if he'd found us like that." She blushes now as she peeks a look at me. "With my clothes off."

"Your father?" I question before the truth hits me like a freight train. "Jesus, you're the preacher's daughter?"
