Page 85 of Pretty Little Toy

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Reaching Trent, I twirl around him, showing him the pleasures that come with dark temptation. He responds animatedly, spinning in tandem with me as he shows his enthusiasm for my way of living, and then, as I leap away, he reaches for me, calling me back. Our hands connect, and he twirls me back. His hands assist me as I leap high in the air, performing a split and arching my back as my arm curves above me.

And when he releases me, this time, I spin away. Together and apart, we shift around each other in an intricate dance, at once seeming repelled by each other and unable to stay away. The music builds, and so does our dance, as Trent takes command of my movements, guiding me about the floor in a series of complex lifts.

As the music crescendos, reaching its climactic end, I race toward Trent, in our final dramatic lift. The one that requires all our strength and balance along with perfect timing. My hands find my partner’s solid shoulders as his palms support my hips, and I launch off his support leg with one foot as our combined efforts send me spinning into the air. The moment of weightlessness is the closest I’ve ever come to actually flying. I’m higher than I intended to be. I’m far higher than I’ve ever gone before. But rather than being afraid, a sense of freedom makes me brave. I whip my hands in tight, holding my body perfectly straight as I complete five full revolutions before coming back down.

And Trent doesn’t miss a beat. His hands find my hips once more, catching me and suspending me as I arch my back, and perform a vertical split, bracing against Trent’s shoulders. He slowly eases my weight to one arm, extending the other out to his side as I remain suspended aloft. The song’s final notes blare from the speakers, announcing our victory as we make a circular procession around the stage, Trent’s strides long and confident and as smooth as glass.

When the music dies, the theater falls silent for one earth-shattering moment, and then the audience erupts into wild applause, making the floor vibrate and the rafters seem to shake with their noise. Only then does Trent lower me back onto my feet, and despite the urge to scream and jump and celebrate after the victory of our final performance, we both lower into a deep bow. It takes everything in me not to lose my cool until we’re back stage once more, and then I’m bouncing with excitement, shouting at Trent that we actually did it and did he see how high I got.

I’m so wrapped up in my celebration that I don’t even notice the stranger behind the stage until I turn and almost slam right into him.

“Whitney Carlson, isn’t it?” The man smooths the lapels on his business suit as he gives me a steady gaze.

I blush profusely as I immediately drop my voice into a more acceptable register. “Yes?”

“I’m Taylor Plumer. I work for the Joffrey Ballet.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” I say, straightening.

“You both gave an excellent performance tonight,” he says, nodding acknowledgement to Trent as well.

“Thank you, sir,” we say in stereo.

Mr. Plumer gives a small smile. “Unfortunately, we aren’t currently scouting any male ballet dancers this season, but we do have an opening for a ballerina, if you’re interested, Miss Carlson. I would love the opportunity to sit down and discuss it with you.”

My heart skips a beat.Did I just get an offer?“That sounds wonderful.” Honestly, I couldn’t hope for anything better. The Joffrey Ballet is located right here in Chicago. I wouldn’t even have to worry about moving away from Ilya.

“Great.” Withdrawing a business card from the inside pocket of his suit, he hands it over to me. “Why don’t you give me a call tomorrow, and we’ll set up a time?”

I hold the small slip of paper close to my heart like a coveted trophy. “Thank you, Mr. Plumer.”

He gives me a polite nod, then his eyes shift to Trent once more. “I don’t often do this, but here.” He extends a business card to my partner as well. “I can’t make you an offer, but if you don’t get picked up by the end of the year, call me. I might be able to work something out.”

Genuine happiness for my partner makes me smile as Taylor Plumer turns and leaves without another word. Trent has worked his guts out right alongside me, and I’m immensely proud of him, even if he is a bit like an annoying younger brother. I want the best for him.

“That’s exciting,” I observe, pointing to the business card in Trent’s hand.

“So is yours. Congrats. You deserve it,” he says, patting my shoulder.

“Thanks, Trent. I couldn’t have done it without you.” I mean it too. While it hasn’t always been smooth sailing between us, I appreciate how much we’ve grown together.

“Whitney!” Ilya calls over the heads of the other dancers before Trent can respond.

My partner flashes a knowing grin and jerks his chin in Ilya’s direction, silently releasing me from my conversation with him. I don’t hesitate as I sprint across the distance, running to Ilya so I can tell him the good news.

Unable to contain my excitement, I jump up on him, wrapping my legs around his waist as I beam. Ilya grunts from the rather abrupt and exuberant contact, and immediately I feel bad. He’s still recovering some from his wounds, and though they’re mostly healed now, they can sometimes cause him pain.

“I’m so sorry!” I gasp, releasing my grip around his waist as I try to climb down.

But he holds me tightly in place as he captures my lips in a kiss.

“Guess what!” I gush after we break apart once more. “I got an offer! From Joffrey Ballet no less, so I can stay right here in Chicago.”

“I’m so proud of you,lyubimaya. You put in the hard work and made it happen on your own–not that I doubted you would for a second. You’re a beautiful dancer.”

I will never get tired of his new term of endearment for me. The sound of him calling me beloved in his native language makes my insides turn to mush, and I pull his lips to mine once more.

After a prolonged kiss, Ilya sets me on my feet. “It seems tonight is full of good surprises, but I have one more for you,” he says, his eyes twinkling.

With exaggerated significance, Ilya lowers himself onto one knee, and my hands jump to cover my lips as I realize just what he’s doing. Tears of joy sting my eyes even before the words leave his lips, and when he pulls out a tiny black velvet ring box, I think my heart might just explode with happiness. He opens it to reveal a stunning three stone swirl engagement ring with diamonds framing a marquise-cut black sapphire center stone. I’d never pictured what I might want for an engagement ring, but somehow, Ilya found the one that fits me perfectly.

“Whitney, since the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were something special. And I think the universe saw it too, since it brought us back together. Every day with you is an adventure. And I never have to worry or wonder about just what you’re thinking; I know you won’t hesitate to tell me. I love you, Whitney Carlson. And I promise to love you forever. Will you marry me?” His dark eyes look up at me with such deep love and devotion it takes my breath away.

“Yes!” I gasp, nodding emphatically.

And the smile that bursts across his face fills me with warmth and overwhelming joy. Rising to his feet, Ilya takes the ring from its box and slides it onto my ring finger. Then he wraps me in his warm, strong, safe arms. And it hits me. I’ve finally found my happily ever after, something I never even dreamed could be a reality.

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