Page 73 of Miss Hap

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She tugged at her necklace. “Does he talk about it at all?”

“No. He really doesn’t.”

She sighed. “I’d hoped he’d open up to someone about it.”

“He changed when he returned?”

She took a seat next to me with her coffee. “Leo has always been introverted, but it seemed he retreated even more once he returned. But him bringing you this weekend—? Well, it makes me feel better to know he’s not alone. My boys are grown men, but I still worry about them.”

“Good morning, Anna and Addy.” Kelsey walked into the kitchen.

“Hi, Kelsey. Let me guess. Nicky is hungover along with my other two sons?”

She laughed while Anna got up and fixed her a cup of coffee, apparently knowing exactly how she preferred it. “He groaned when I tried to wake him, so I think it’s a good guess.”

“Leo said something about a bet between him and Gabe and shots,” I added.

Anna rolled her eyes. “My boys are always competitive. I’ll prepare my hangover cure so they can have a hope of going surfing this morning.”

“Leo surfs?” I couldn’t picture him gracefully riding the waves. Frankly, I didn’t see him much of a beach guy at all.

Kelsey chuckled. “They’re all athletic without even trying.”

Leo came in, appearing fresh from the shower. Would there ever be a time I didn’t get butterflies upon seeing him? “Nic and Gabe are the ones trying. I’m the naturally athletic one. And clearly can handle my liquor better too.”

I loved the natural affection between them as he leaned in to give his mom a hug, and she kissed him on the cheek.

“You’re all wonderful boys.”

Leo rolled his eyes playfully. “We all know who your favorite is.”

Nic entered as if on cue. “Yeah, we do. They had to keep trying until they got him.”

Gabe was directly behind him. “Please, I was the only one they tried for. You two jokers were mistakes.”

From the foyer, their father came into the kitchen with Samantha. They were carrying two large paper bags with what must be breakfast.

Gerard shook his head, having picked up on the gist of the conversation. “Joke’s on all of you. Your mom wanted girls, and we just kept trying until she realized it would never happen.”

Samantha giggled. “Is that true, Grandma?”

Anna shook her head. “Not at all. I was meant to be a boy mom, so they could give me a beautiful granddaughter and bring home incredible women.”

All three boys chuckled, and Leo quipped, “Plus girls couldn’t have dealt with my mother’s temper.”

Anna grinned broadly. “Ah, but which came first? The boys or the temper?”

Her husband smirked. “Sure it was the boys. Now then, we have breakfast sandwiches for everyone.”

Nic went over to wrap an arm around Kelsey and kiss her temple. While Leo didn’t show the same display of affection, he did throw me a wink, and damn if it didn’t warm me to my core. Almost as much as the family banter.

It wasn’t lost on me that it would be the complete opposite once Leo met my parents.



The drive from San Diego up to Orange County to meet Addy’s parents was a quiet one. Considering Addy was seldom silent, I stole a glance at her sitting in the passenger seat and gazing out the window. She looked beautiful in her jeans and sweater with her hair left soft and down.
