Page 4 of The Interlude

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Taking another breath, I quietly recounted everything that had happened, from the incident a couple of years ago at his house in Chelsea to Declan picking me up from work to Parco’s. It all flowed out of me as if I was speaking of someone else. That happened to the old Lily. I’m going to be the new and improved Lily now. Distancing myself made it easier, until I quieted and looked over at Ian, noticing his mouth was pressed into a thin line.

“Sorry this happened to you, Lily,” Ian said. “Did anyone else see you after you returned to the office?”

“The receptionist, Olivia,” I answered.

“I may contact her for a statement,” Ian said.

“I’ll give my statement now, too,” Dani said.

Ian set his recording device and Dani launched into the text she received from me, and her arrival at my place. I listened as she paused over my deception in telling her I had fallen down. She added some words that were unnecessary, stating that it was common for assault survivors to do so, as if to try to support me in her recount, though I still felt dirty.

After she was finished, Ian turned off his recorder and pulled out a camera. “If you change your mind, I don’t care if it’s in the middle of the night, call me. I’d be more than willing to get the restraining order and report his assault to the police. It’s never too late.” He pulled out his card and placed it down on the coffee table. “I’ll need your number to get the affidavits back for your signature.”

I looked at Dani, who stared at Ian. “You could call me and I’ll bring them over.”

Ian ignored her and pulled out his cellphone, poised to take my number; I felt compelled to give it to him.

“Now, that’s a start,” he said. Standing up, he walked around me and turned up the steel lamp next to him to maximum. He pointed over to the wall that boasted only one framed poster. “Stand over there next toBoba Fett.”

He chuckled and I giggled.

Dani looked at us in puzzlement. “When we met before, Ian mentioned he was a Star Wars fan. Like me.”

“Is he now?” Dani said, smirking at Ian.

“Let’s take the photos,” he said, redirecting the conversation. “Then we’ll leave you for tonight.”

I rose and walked over to where I had been directed, placing my back against the wall while Ian took photos of me. He was speaking, but my mind was too numb for anything to get through. Posing for a picture made it all the more embarrassing. I wanted to be alone and was happy when they were done and packing up their things.

Dani called David soon afterward, and he came up to the apartment with a bag of alternative health remedies for my “physical and mental health” as Dani described them before they left. I put the Chakra cleansing drinks inside my refrigerator, per her instruction, and carried the rest of the items back to my bedroom. I was exhausted, but still sought a shower before I went to bed.

Crossing the hall, I stepped out of my clothes, climbed inside the shower, and turned the water on full blast. I wished I could wash away Declan and all the dirt that seemed to cling to me whenever he crossed my path, and the guilt of using Dani and Ian, Jonas’s best friends, to hide my shame. How low could I possibly get? I disgraced myself, my parents and the Salomé name.

I climbed out and dried my body, then returned to my bedroom to blow-dry my hair. As I was plugging in the hairdryer, I noticed my phone flashing with a new text message. I quickly finished what I was doing, then walked over and checked. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the name flash across the screen. Jonas Crane. I read over his message.

Dani asked me to give you some space and I will, but we’re not finished.

A flutter went through my stomach at the thought of seeing Jonas again. In my heart I wanted Jonas not to be finished with me. Pushing aside my negative thoughts and doubts, I picked up the bag and pulled out the candle and lighter inside of it. Walking over to my windowsill, I placed the candle down and lit the wick. It flared to life, giving the room a warm glow as I turned out the lights and crawled under my duvet. Lying on my side, I watched it blaze strong until I finally fell asleep.


Kisses on myforehead, my cheeks and down to my mouth. I was awake, but pretending to still be asleep. I knew when I opened my eyes I would see his sea blue eyes smiling down at me, along with a smile on his strikingly handsome face.

“Lily, wake up,” he finally said and my eyes popped open. “Jonas.”

“I knew you weren’t asleep,” he mocked. “Time to get up. We only have a half hour for breakfast and to get you to work. You slept in again.”

“Not my fault,” I said. “You kept me up late last night.”

His smile spread into a wide grin.

“You didn’t seem to mind.”

I giggled. “No. I didn’t.” I cupped his face. “Are you going to wake me like this every morning?”

“I have another idea for the rest of the week.”
