Page 17 of Wolf's Witch

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I nodded, pacing myself as I ran beside him, my body brushing against his warm chest. Even though we were both dressed, the brief body contact had my heart racing more than the running did. He kept me covered while I pulled out my key and unlocked my car. I got in and reached across to unlock his door while he raced around the front of the car.

Once he was inside, I looked over at him and laughed. “You’re soaking wet.”

He chuckled, smiling as water dripped off the end of his nose. “I’ll dry. Are you okay?”

I looked down at my sweater and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I took out my phone and frowned at the text on my screen. “Oh shit.”

“Did it get wet?”

I shook my head as I looked over at him. “Lillian’s in the hospital.”



Ruby’s little Datsunhad some power as she sped through the rain toward Salem Hospital. I kept a tight grip on the handle in the door as her tires squealed around the turns and braced myself as she jerked to a stop in the parking lot. The red emergency sign glowed in the night. I couldn’t believe I was going into the hospital twice in one day, but she’d taken off so fast, I couldn’t bring myself to ask her to backtrack to my truck.

I didn’t know her very well, but…I could relate to the position she was in. I’d been facing the same thing the night we’d carried Mathias back to the farm during the full moon. It had scared the shit out of me, and judging by how fast she had driven a car that was older than both of us, she was terrified.

I cleared my throat. “Do you want company?”

She looked over at me as if she’d seen a ghost. “Oh crap. I forgot to take you back to your truck.”

“It’s okay. You shouldn’t have to do this alone.”

She slowly released the steering wheel from her death grip. “Thank you.”

We walked through the parking lot, and I steeled myself for the assault on my senses as we crossed through the automatic sliding glass doors.

“Amelia might have beat us here.” She pressed the elevator button and stared up at the numbers counting down to the lobby. “She’s the one who sent me the text.”

“I’ll stay out of the way.”

She looked over at me. “You don’t have to wait for me. You could get a Lyft back to your truck.”

There would probably be other coven members there, but I shook my head anyway. “I can’t. I’d feel shitty abandoning you until we know she’s all right.”

A sad smile curved on her lips as the doors slid open and a nurse stepped out. We got in, and Ruby pushed button for the second floor. According to the plaque next to the buttons, that was the cardiac care unit. “You’re going to be a good Alpha.”

I wasn’t sure about that, but I didn’t say anything. When the elevator opened, I had to fight not to cover my sensitive ears. So many fucking beeps at different intervals and pitches. I struggled to phase them out and focus on Ruby.

She was chattering about Lillian softly with no idea she was currently my lifeline on this noisy floor. “…Lillian told me not to touch the cauldron, but it was like I couldn’t help myself. I swear, tell me something is off-limits, and it becomes an obsession for me.”

When we turned the corner, a woman with brown hair and bright-hazel eyes rushed over to hug Ruby. Her hair was lighter brown than Ruby’s, and she had it in two braids that fell over the front of her shoulders.

“You came.” She pulled back and forced a smile. “The doctor said Lillian’s going to be fine. Tomorrow morning they’re running some stress tests and then she can come home, but she’ll have to rest.”

Ruby shook her head. “She won’t like hearing that.”

Her friend looked over at me, her gaze sliding up from my feet until we locked eyes. “Who are you?”

Ruby cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. I should’ve introduced you. This is Zeke…from the Salem Pack. Zeke this is Amelia Rey.”

“Zeke O’Brien.” I offered my hand, and she took it in a firm handshake…that my wolf didn’t acknowledge. Not that I’d expected him to. As far as I knew, no witches had ever been mates to werewolves. Maybe fate figured a wolf and a witch might kill each other.

I glanced at Ruby as I released Amelia’s hand. Or maybe a union of supernaturals would unsettle the balance of power.

“Nice to meet you Zeke.” Amelia looked at Ruby. “Did I interrupt something? Were you…on a date?”

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