Page 94 of Catatonic

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"Now let me think. Today, Jenor managed to get Zeva in the throat. It wasn't enough to kill, but she will be suffering for a while unless you can help. Kelson broke his wrist showing off with a heavy blade. Germis has a few more scrapes than usual because we put him against Jenor as a challenge. He handled himself surprisingly well. Lincos had another flashback, but I'm not sure if your soul pair can heal mental problems."

I didn't know that either, so I looked at the pair behind me. Clawdia shrugged but looked interested by the thought. "We haven't tried,” she said.

"I haven't seen a thread that wasn't an injury around a mind. But it couldn't hurt to try," Zaide added.

Turning back to my friend, I saw him staring at us, clearly trying to figure out the situation between us. When his eyes met mine and saw that he was caught, Theris raised his eyebrow playfully, and I scowled, telling him not to ask questions. "Thank you for your help. I will be visiting in the next few days with another bunch of rescues."

"Do I get to stay to watch or—" He disappeared before he could finish his sentence, and I closed my eyes to picture the injured beings he named. In a matter of seconds, four very confused titans stood at the side of a bed. They seemed to shrink when they spotted me, but curiosity lit up their eyes as they glanced at Zaide and Clawdia.

"You've been brought here because you were injured today. With me are a soul pair." A gasp from the titans interrupted me, and all now had looks of what I guessed were shock, hope, and joy. I continued, "They have the power of healing. To train them, we'd like to heal your injuries."

"And if we say no?" the honey-colored male with a gritted jaw asked. Kelson.

I shrugged indifferently. "Then you'll be sent back to your dream."

We didn't need this many patients for Clawdia and Zaide to show me how they heal. I only called them all as a courtesy to Theris, who would now expect them all to be healed and ready to train again in the morning.

Another male spoke, drawing my attention, "I don't have an injury." He frowned in confusion, his mid-length red hair falling over his shoulder as he tilted his head.

This must be the one having flashbacks. Lincos.

"You suffer flashbacks, which we'd like to see if we can assist with. Is that acceptable?" He shrugged, and I took that to be acceptance.

“Little Cat, I think you should take the lead on nursing and healing since you have the most experience,” Zaide remarked quietly and put a hand at the base of her back.

She bounced on her toes, an excited buzz seemed to pulsate through her, changing the air around us. She looked up at Zaide, a wide grin on her face, and her eyes seemed to sparkle. Her gaze turned to me, asking permission without words, and I raised my eyebrow.

Show me what you can do, Sunlight.

Her grin grew even as she bit her lip to contain her excitement. Taking a calming breath, she turned back to the patients and clapped, drawing their attention. "Hello, everyone. I'm Clawdia. If you would make yourselves comfortable on the beds, I will come around to assess your injuries."

The titans looked confused and glanced at me. But when I didn’t say anything to contradict her, they each found a bed to sit on and watched. Clawdia followed her first patient to her bed and drew the curtain around them both.

"She is …" I started but was unable to finish as I heard the hum of conversation start between her and her patient.

"Beautiful?" Zaide suggested with a grin. I nodded. "And kind," he continued. "A talented healer," he finished, and his gaze softened as they wandered in the direction of his soul pair.

Our conversation was hushed so the other patients couldn't hear. They were too busy trying to listen in on Clawdia's conversation to pay attention to us anyway.

"It is clear she is comfortable in this role," I said.

I didn’t know much about her life, the past one or even how she came to be human, but this experience, watching her enthusiasm for healing, made me curious.

Zaide nodded. "It reminds her of her past life as a nurse. Before it turned sour."

I tilted my head as I considered that. "Her soul's purpose is to heal. She would have felt as close to whole as possible doing such an occupation."

Continuing my thought, Zaide said, "An extra blow when it was taken from her."

How was it taken?I wanted to ask.But Sunlight should be the one to tell me her past.

"A loss of freedom is always a terrible fate. You know that." I looked up at him, and for a moment, I was lost in his eyes.

Until Clawdia's head peaked around the curtain and interrupted us. Despite the former conversation being so serious, the silliness of her head floating in the middle of a blue sheet made my lip twitch.

"Baelen, Zaide, are you not going to join me so you can observe?'' Her voice was firm and professional, but she looked at us as though we were imbeciles.

Zaide smothered a laugh with a cough as I straightened before saying, "Of course."
