Page 89 of Catatonic

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"I don't find you repulsive," Baelen said, outrage pitching his voice strangely. "I just … This complicates things. I wasn't sure—" He snapped his lips together as if frustrated and wanting to stop anymore rambling.

I loved that I suddenly had insight into his thoughts. Control was important to him, but his insecurities made him want to question us. I was fascinated that he even had insecurities.

Clawdia touched his shoulder gently. "I'm really glad you're our soul mate."


It hit me then that Clawdia and I were two halves of the same soul. A soul that was matched with another—Baelen's soul. We are both his soul mates, which explained why I was instantly attracted to him.

"Are you … unhappy that it's us? Maybe you wanted just one soul mate?" Clawdia asked hesitantly when Baelen didn't reply to her statement. He just stared at her like he couldn't believe this was happening.

"You are glad that I am your soul mate?" he asked.

"Of course." She smiled and took his hand, rubbing a thumb over his palm. "I feel that you belong with us." A tiny smile teased his lips, which sent my heart singing, and then she fixed him with a stare. "Now, answer the question. You aren't … disappointed?"

He started speaking on a long exhale as though exercising himself of his innermost thoughts. "No. I knew from meeting you that we had a connection. Your blood was the best I've ever had. My father told me that blood that tastes like sunshine is the blood of a soul mate, but obviously, in your case, you are a package deal." He looked at me. "I'm not unhappy or disappointed by that. I am aware of your past and know it will complicate our relationship, but … if we can get past that … it would be … good … to have partners," he finished quietly.

Were Charlie here, I knew he'd interject with a funny quip, but he wasn’t, and I was surprised at how much I wanted him to be.

Thankfully, Clawdia took my hand and pulled me closer to them before saying, "We will be partners and more. Family. Although, I hope you know that you'll be sharing me with Charlie too."

Baelen nodded, his dark curls shifting with the movement. "Your witch is forever bonded to you, so I understand that." His lips twitched again. "He didn't seem so bad."

I stared at him, trying to understand how he was feeling. I imagined it was similar to how I had felt when Daithi and Savida offered me a place in their family. His face didn't give away much of his emotions, but from what he’d said, he was concerned I wouldn't be able to get past his akari heritage enough to genuinely like him or even learn to love him as I loved Clawdia.

And I couldn't pretend it didn't worry me either. I wasn't expecting to have to overcome my fear and my prejudice for a soul mate relationship that was suddenly thrust upon me.

I sighed but leaned forward to pick up the hand Clawdia wasn't holding. At my touch, we all felt the effect and inhaled deeply. Through our skin, our connection ran unencumbered between us. Clawdia was right. This felt … perfect.

We didn’t know each other, but our souls had been chosen for one another. I had always trusted in the greater forces that guide us all; I had faith in my gods and knew that even though I wouldn't have chosen him myself, he was mine—no,ours.

I will learn more about him until I see more than his eyes and my past.

I will also need Charlie to find me another book on intimate relationships between men.

With so many emotions bubbling up inside of me, I allowed them to spill from my lips in a promise, "I won't allow my fears to ruin this, but please be patient with me while I adapt. I hope we can work through our issues, because I want you to be a part of the family we are building. I can't deny how right this feels."

"We’re just missing Charlie," Clawdia added cheerfully.

"I don't have another hand for him to hold," Baelen said dryly.

He’d made a joke.

I didn’t know why it elated me so much, but it did. Maybe it told me that everything would be all right.

"That's okay, he can hold mine," Clawdia laughed.

"Speaking of Charlie, where is he now?" I looked around as though he would be hovering in the background, waiting for us to finish our moment. But he wasn't there.

"Baelen sent him to meet his birth mother so he can learn his magic."

I blinked. "He is meeting his birth mother? Should we not be with him? This is a big moment."

Clawdia gave me an adoring smile that calmed my worry for Charlie. "He'll learn more without us there."

"And you need training of your own," Baelen stated.

He withdrew his hand, which left a cold handprint where his fingers had been, and stood with an easy grace. Clawdia and I just watched him, still seated on the cold marble floors, still joined by our intertwined fingers.
