Page 71 of Catatonic

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"I tried to make you understand the situation. People have been going missing at record rates. We needed to do something." Her eyes were big and watery, and her voice cracked.

You are not going to feel sorry for this bitch, Charlie, not when she stood in front of you gloating that you were about to be brown bread,I lectured myself.

"We were. We’d been discussing the situation for months and coming up with plans to protect people.” Marianne replied.

“It was endless talking. There weren’t any plans. We weren’t acting fast enough.”

“We are responsible for countless lives. We don’t rush decisions. Now we have a disaster on our hands and the future of every supernatural being threatened," Joseph growled, his eyes almost flashing with power.

Something triggered in my head, and I knew there was more to this. My findy-senses were going crazy. She was grieving. Missing something. Or someone.

“Who have you lost?” I asked.

She recoiled, and the silence was loud as we waited for her reply. “What?”

“No one cares this much about the portals and missing people unless they’ve lost someone.”

“Deborah?” Marianne prompted.

She closed her eyes. “My daughter is missing.”

“Why wouldn’t you tell us?” Marianne placed a hand on Debs' leg.

I shook my head, not understanding the logic. “But now, if she escaped the slaver and found someone to portal her back, you’ve locked her out. She can’t get home.”

Her eyes flashed open, and the anger in them, the kind that could drive a person to murder, sparked dangerously. She growled, “But prevented anyone else from losing their child or family member.”

There was a tense and heavy silence that followed.

Clawdia broke it with a quiet question. “What do you mean by the future of every supernatural being threatened?”

Joseph sighed. “The humans have seen the dragon. While some will be disbelieving, others will know the supernatural are real, that this is where we are, and they will come looking to kill anything they consider different.”

“Hunters,” Alex grunted.

“No.” I held my hands up. “Fuck off with that. I didn’t sign up to be hunted.”

Clawdia smiled mischievously and asked, “Did you sign up?”

“Shut up.” I glared playfully before shoving a biscuit in her mouth. She smiled as she took a bite, and my gaze lingered on the crumbs left on her lip for a little too long. I imagined licking it clean and sucking it into my mouth.

A blush rose on her cheeks, and she looked away, probably feeling the lust rising in me, but I just smirked.

Zaide interrupted by asking, “What about the dragon? He is also a danger to us all, is he not? Looking for magic to steal?”

"Of course. We have a trained group of supernaturals for situations such as these. We’ve pulled our best five teams together, and they are monitoring the situation." Joseph looked confident in their ability, but I wasn’t so convinced.

A knock had all of us turning to the door, and a man walked in. “We’ve found the protector.”

“Don’t kill him!” Debs shouted as she bolted upright.



“Well, that’s dramatic,” Charlie muttered as everyone looked at Deborah in disgust.

“The only one who’s attempted murder is you,” Alex growled.
