Page 120 of Catatonic

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“Thirdly, you’ll immediately inform me if you ever take magic from anyone or emerge as a dragon.”

“The exception being that I take magic from my familiar and her soul pair.”

She blinked as though a lightbulb had just turned on in her mind. “Perhaps that is how you’ve satisfied your appetite.”


“You should need magic, want to steal it.” She nodded to herself, becoming more animated as the idea solidified in her mind.

“Oh, pissing hell, not this again. I’m not a magic thief.” I sighed.

Just a hacker. But a legit hacker now.

But I didn’t want to tell my birth mother that. Especially when she was looking for reasons to kill me.

“I know you don’t believe it, but it’s true. It’s in your blood.” Her eyes were serious and dark, but I just couldn’t believe it.

I might have been surrounded by magic, my neighbors, my girlfriend, Clawdia, and the otherworlders, but I’ve never wanted to take their magic. And if Lydia is right and I was using magic subconsciously, then it means I have my own. So, was that enough for the dragon blood? When I learn more magic, will I need or want more? I can’t risk the only people I care about on the chance that I’m right and not a magic-stealing dragon.

“What if I am satisfying my magic thirst through my familiar bond and don’t know it? She’s paired with a titan, so I can’t hurt them, right?”

I didn’t care about anything else. And if there was a possibility that I could hurt them, then I’d work something out.

Maybe Clawdia could change witches again? Maybe Zaide’s gods could do something? Or Baelen?

Elizabeth sighed, drawing my attention back to her. “It means that if you do emerge, then you’ll be more powerful than Fafnir. And a danger to us all.”

“But only if I want more magic and go crazy, right? With a familiar and her soul pair feeding me, I shouldn’t need more, right?”

I felt like a vampire saying the word “feeding,” and the Charlie of my past squirmed uncomfortably at the thought of being dependent on someone. But I would never be my former independent self again. Our threesome was tied in the threads of fate, and there was no escaping that.

“I don’t know, Charles. You’re an anomaly.”

I shuddered. “Don’t call me Charles. No one calls me that.”

“Your adopted parents don't?” she asked, a small smile on her lips but sadness in her eyes.

“They died when I was three. I spent a lot of time in foster care. Charles is a good boy, and I was not Charles.” I gave her a similar sad smile and shrugged.


She looked lost for words, so I cleared my throat and tried to move us forward with the plan. “Are we doing this thing or what?”

“The vow? Yes.” She shook her head, clearing it. “Oh, wait. No. I have a final condition.” I waved a hand for her to continue. “Fourthly, you must not give away any of our secrets to Fafnir or his followers.”

I tilted my head, considering the loopholes around that promise and said, “You’ll need to clarify exactly what is a secret before you tell me anything.”

She nodded and took a deep breath before standing, then stepped toward me with a serious expression. “You’ve agreed to my terms, I’ve agreed to yours. If you break any of your promises once I’ve done my part of the conditions, you will be immediately transported via portal to my home and stand trial in front of the rest of my family.”

I raised my eyebrow. It wasn’t the punishment I was expecting. And I couldn’t think of a reason to argue against it. “That sounds more like a punishment for you than me, but if you’re sure …”

Her family believed she’d aborted her baby boy, so if I broke a vow and then had to stand trial in front of her family, well, it wouldn’t look good for her.

She knew what I meant and explained. “I’ll tell my family everything you have told me when I wake. No doubt we will need to discuss our stance on the current situation.”

“You might help us?” I hadn’t counted on recruiting more help, but evidently, we would need it. And someone who knew this guy's powers and past … very useful.

But she shook her head, and disappointment nipped at me. “I can’t promise anything until I’ve discussed it with my family.”
