Page 84 of Savage Bond

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My fists curled in the sheets. I’d never wanted to break someone’s bones more, not even Roxie’s. Pure, unadulterated rage lit my veins on fire for that horrible trash bag of a shifter. I wanted to tear Marissa’s throat out. Every time I thought about it, my gums pulsated as if my teeth were growing.

Maybe they were.

When my thoughts turned to Fane, my throat tightened, and my lungs had trouble capturing air. I wanted to take his pain again and tell him he was better than her. Hedeservedbetter.

I wanted to—

Tingles rippled over me, and the room spun like an amusement park ride. In the next moment, steam coiled over me as I stood in a shower, a familiar muscled, tattooed, and scarred back to me.


I’d torn my consciousness out of my body and ended up in the shower with Fane.


Fane’s headangled in my direction, his dark, wet hair streaking his face. A flash of surprise whipped through his contrasting irises, but it was gone in an instant, replaced with something wicked.

When he fully turned toward me, my focus dropped down his soapy form and found the reason for the sinister look. His hand was wrapped around his cock as he stroked himself. Apparently, I interrupted his alone time.

I swallowed thickly as he continued pleasuring himself, maybe to shock me or to turn me on. Or maybe he simply didn’t want to stop. I was the one invading his shower.

“I didn’t mean to, uh, interrupt your—”

“But you did. As usual, you’re disrupting my life like you’ve done every day since we met.” His lips curled back in a vicious snarl, baring his teeth. “Every. Damn. Day. Teague.” A stroke punctuated each of his words, and my brain couldn’t decide on anger or lust.

The former won out. Mostly.

I jabbed my finger in his direction. “You’re the one who bit me. You’re the one who cursed me with this bullshit. If anyone’s to blame, it’s you, Maverick.” My muscles trembled as fire poured through my veins, spurring my rage. “If you had let me die, then we wouldn’t be stuck with this damn bond.”

“Why are you always so quick to wish for death?” He took a step forward, his hand still rubbing his dick. He must get off on arguing with me. “Do you want me to kill you now? Is that what you want, fiera mika?”

What the hell was he calling me? Probably some horrible demon insult.

Mist coiled between us, and droplets collected on his dark eyelashes that framed his blazing eyes. The moisture evaporated from my mouth, and I longed to drink him up until I was completely intoxicated.

I hated Fane Maverick with every fiber of my being. But I wanted him with just as much enthusiasm.

A bitter laugh slipped out of me. “Kill me then, Maverick.” My gaze purposefully dipped toward his hardened length, and I had to fight my own body to stop from lunging at the demon shifter. Fire crawled through my bloodstream, electricity zapping between my legs. This shouldn’t be turning me on so much.

And yet, I fucking ached for him. I might even beg this time.

“What about your little deal with Ruin? Will you simply leave him without the Infernal Sol, so he can’t create his manufactured soul?” His muscles strained as if he had to fight to keep the few inches of space between us.

I attempted a lazy shrug that felt too jerky. “I’m sure he can figure it out.” I crossed my arms, my clothes dry even though the spray dampened the area around me. “Kill me then and stop complaining about how horrible your life is because of me.”

Fane moved so fast that I didn’t have time to hold my ground. He slammed me into the slick wall, his fingers closing around my throat. “You’re right, Teague. I should have fucking killed you.” His nostrils flared as he stole the air from my lungs. “I should have cracked your neck while you lay dying in that church and took the Infernal Sol before it had a chance to connect with you.”

“Why didn’t you?” I asked, my voice strained from the pressure on my windpipe. That night, he’d crept out of the shadows after I killed Ziva and watched me for a few minutes. He’d had plenty of time to end me. But he didn’t, and by the time he reached for the demon amulet, it had already decided to make me its protective host. “Why didn’t you kill me while I was bleeding out?”

His face lowered to mine, every one of his muscles hard as granite. “It’s my biggest regret.” His thumb pressed into my windpipe, cutting off more air. “I wanted you to suffer a slow, agonizing death, and that desire came back to bite me in the ass like a poisonous snake.”

Fane’s words came out in a callous growl and were meant to drive invisible knives into me. Instead, I peeled back the harsh outer layer and saw what was hidden within them.


I had no idea how I knew—maybe it was the bond—but Fane Maverick just spoke a load of bullshit.

My strained laugh barely made it out of my throat. “Kill me. Right now.” I took a labored breath. “Snap my neck and be done with me.”

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