Page 58 of Savage Bond

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“I know.” I grabbed the white box and set it on the counter. “I can’t keep relying on the Infernal Sol. The more I use it, the more my control slips.” One day, I wouldn’t be able to find my way out of the fog.

Fane’s index finger rested on my chin and turned my head toward his. “Maybe if you accept that you’re a shifter, you might be able to separate that part from the Infernal Sol.”

My stomach clenched because Iwouldhave to accept it one day, but how could I do that living at Corvin Manor, pretending to be a raven?

I pulled his hand away and searched the box to avoid his heavy stare. “It’s not that simple.”

A gravelly huff exited his mouth. “Actually, it is.”

“Did you come here just to irritate me?”

Fane dragged his fingers through his hair, ruffling the dark strands. “Ruin found out you didn’t make it to Logan’s and wants to send help to get you out of here.”

I balked at him. “Absolutely not.” What kind of help would Ruin send? I could see it now, a dozen demons storming into the manor to grab me.

Fane grimaced. “I told him you’d say that. But the more time you spend here, the harder it’ll be to leave. This won’t last forever.” His head tipped toward mine, forcing me to meet his eyes. “You’re lucky you didn’t run into other nightworlders besides sub-demons. That luck will run out. You and your boyfriend will eventually come across something more intelligent than dragos.”

He was right, of course. I just couldn’t acknowledge the truth when it came from the person who betrayed me.

* * *

The paper coveringthe examination table crinkled under me as I shifted my weight, wincing from one of the more severe cuts on my side. Most of the damage the dragos caused last night had almost healed except for a few deep gouges.

Gray clouds moved across the sky outside the window, darkening the autumn day as night approached. Before long, the sun would set sooner, and the night would stretch.

Nightworlders loved that.

White walls encircled the room, and bright fluorescent lights—unlike the rest of the manor—gleamed harshly against the sterile counters and metal cabinets, reminding me of Ruin’s lab. My nose wrinkled at the acerbic odor of disinfectant and rubbing alcohol.

I ran my fingers over an angry red line that had been a gash last night. Most of the ravens would have needed extensive bandages and stitches, but my super healing was extra super now. Thankfully, no one realized that. Yet.

Hawk must have told his aunt what happened last night in the cemetery because I received a message a little while ago to meet her in the medical ward for an exam. Maybe Captain Coltrane really did care about me as a person and not just a soldier.

The door opened, and Coltrane stepped inside, giving a tight smile. “Hello, Tate.” She scrutinized the healing cuts littering my exposed skin. “I’m glad you’re okay after the attack in the cemetery.” Lines developed across her forehead. “I’ve never heard of a swarm of dragos, including a female, emerging on Earth.”

I fiddled with the ends of my long hair under her intense scrutiny. “Hawk did a great job going after the female, so she couldn’t fly into a populated area.”

Her eyes softened. “I’m proud of him. And Roxie helped.”

A bitter taste coated my tongue, and I concentrated on keeping a scowl from appearing. “Yes, she did.” She almost helped kill me.

Coltrane cleared her throat, and her shoulders tensed. “May I see it?” She motioned her finger to my abdomen.

“Oh. That.” I swallowed thickly and hesitantly lifted my shirt to reveal the swirling sun tattoo below my ribs, the circular scars on my side less prominent next to the dark ink. Of course she would be curious about the marking, but if she analyzed it for too long, would she realize it had something to do with the Infernal Sol?

She closed the gap between us and focused on the ebony swirls. “Do you know how they transferred these symbols to you? Was it a spell?”

I shrugged and lowered my shirt, my movements stiff. “I was unconscious.” Technically true. The tattoos appeared after I’d passed out from Fane’s bite.

She stepped back and nodded. “We’ll know more soon enough.”

My eyebrows knit. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve contacted a witch associate.” Coltrane clasped her hands behind her back like a soldier. “She’s on her way to magically examine you.”


Ice pouredthrough my veins like someone opened the floodgates to a glacial river. A witch? Was coming here? To examine me?

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