Page 126 of Savage Bond

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So would I.

Fane slammed into me so hard the air burst out of my lungs in a ragged cry. He didn’t give me a moment to catch up or adjust before he pulled out and rammed in again, all the way to the hilt. He filled every inch of me, and I was surprised I could take him that fast.

A moan broke from his mouth, turning into a roar as he moved inside me, fiercely sliding in and out with no sign of stopping or slowing. Instead of being afraid or intimidated, I relaxed into it and allowed him to take complete control of my body.

Our breaths mingled, and our moans of pleasure filled the dimming forest. I’d imagined the two of us rolling around in a bed of leaves just like this many times and pretended it disgusted me.

There had only ever been desire and a craving so strong that it stole all my common sense.

My fingers dug into his back, and the coppery scent of blood filled the air as I tore his flesh. Fane hissed and yanked my hands away, pinning my wrists above my head with one of his hands while he drove into me over and over again. I met his every thrust with my own, trembling and my chest heaving.

“Fane.” My ribs burned and strained from his force. But I wouldn’t dare stop this. “Don’t hold back,” I pleaded, my voice coming out in ragged pants.

Something came over me, and I knew my pupils had thinned into diamonds slits as my own inner demon, beast, or whatever it was slinked forward. Fane kissed me and then dragged his teeth down my neck. Our movements became even more frantic, and the heavy dose of pleasure-pain we both longed for doubled. I screamed, just like he’d predicted, and struggled beneath his grip, wanting to reach for him but also loving that torment of being unable to.

My wrists burned in his grip, and bruises would no doubt be left behind. Still, I smiled when he tightened his hold.

“Tate, you let me loose on you.” His husky words penetrated my ear, making me squirm. “You won’t be able to tame me again.” He licked my tattoo and thrust into me harder, threatening to split me in half.

“Fane.” His name burst from my lips, and I shook as a release neared. He stretched me as his hips clashed against mine, crushing me into the forest floor. My head tilted back, and as his hot, ragged breath dampened my throat, my nerve endings frayed, ready to soak up every sensation on the horizon.

His teeth sank into my neck over the tattoo, and an explosion gripped my core. My vision flashed white as I screamed and arched into him, his cock burying deeper.

“That’s right. Come for me, fiera mika.”

The orgasm ricocheted through me like a bolt of lightning striking everywhere, even the tips of my hair. I felt it in every cell. No place was safe from it. No place was safe from Fane.

My ragged pants finally registered in my ears, and I expected my body to grow still, but Fane’s rhythm hadn’t stopped or slowed. He still pounded into me with enough force to break my bones if I were human.

His dark, wicked laughter sent warning bells through my mind. “I’m not even close to being done.” Fane’s grip on my wrists disappeared, leaving behind a throb that only made me fall faster.

Then his hand wrapped around my throat, obstructing my breathing the tiniest bit.

“I always knew this was what you wanted, Teague.” He drove into me with the same maddening tempo. “My fingers around your throat while I took you hard and fast. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes,” I managed to choke out through the pleasure assaulting me while his grip tightened. My center was so sensitive that another release loomed closer with each passing second, and he knew exactly what buttons to press to make me melt. His thumb ran over the base of my throat and applied pressure.

As another wave hit me, I arched off the ground, and I screamed his name again. My legs wrapped around his waist, doing anything to get closer to him. That move, that surrender, pushed him over the edge.

Fane’s head whipped back, and a roar burst out of his mouth, shaking the ground beneath us. Birds catapulted from nearby trees, fleeing the savage howl. His fingers slipped off my neck, and air rushed into my lungs as colors speckled my vision. Every one of his muscles tightened, and his movements became erratic and unsteady. His forehead crashed into mine, our eyes meeting as we both hit a sharp peak of pleasure.

Our frantic breaths filled the forest, and our gazes were locked on each other, glowing and full of lust and longing that had finally been satiated.

After several prolonged moments, Fane broke away first, collapsing on top of me and burying his face in my neck. “Fuck.”

Yeah. Fuck.

My arms wrapped around his back as my legs released him, flopping to the ground. My heart raced a hundred miles a minute as we tried to calm down—and come to terms with what just happened.

What the helldidjust happen?

I’d never shown that side to anyone, and I’d never let anyone be that demanding. That had been primal and vicious. And insanely perfect.

We were so screwed.

Fane’s arm slid under my neck, pillowing my head as he drew back. He studied me while his pupils slowly rounded out.“Are you okay?”Cold fear and panic coiled within him, and he looked away.

I snatched his chin to bring him back to me.“I’m more than okay, Maverick.”

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