Page 113 of Savage Bond

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My heart squeezed at the dark circles under Fane’s eyes and how his hair stuck out in messy waves like he’d been pulling on the roots for the last few hours. My dried blood stained his jeans and gray shirt.

Camus crossed his arms, the green button-down tightening against his broad form. “Mina and Will may not make it, so it’s Dorian’s word against Tate’s, and she’s not a member of the pack.” He jerked his head in my direction without sparing me a glance. “She’ll be the one punished.”

As Fane slowly stepped toward the alpha, a sinister shadow descended over the demon shifter, and his presence in the room magnified. Crimson flashed in his irises like red lightning striking from the heavens. “If you touch her, I will not even think twice before ripping your fucking throat out, Camus.”

The alpha didn’t challenge Fane or cower, but he flinched, knowing the demon shifter’s threat was real. No doubt about it. Fane could take the alpha position away from Camus in a heartbeat. Clearly, he didn’t covet that position, and I didn’t want him to do something that held such heavy consequences.

“Maybe we should all take a breather before anyone does or says something they can’t take back.” Ephraim motioned his hand to the door.

I struggled into a sitting position, but pain erupted through my palms as I pressed them into the mattress, setting off a chain reaction that swept through every muscle. A ragged moan burst out of my mouth.

Oh, right. Those demon dirtbags pinned my hands to the ground with my own sword.

“Don’t try to move.” Fane sat on the edge of the bed and gently pushed me back on the pillows, leaving his hand on my chest. Moments later, the sharp agony faded while his cheeks paled and sweat gleamed on his forehead.

A sigh drifted out as relief washed over me. “That’s enough, Maverick.” He’d pass out if he kept taking my pain.

Logan appeared over Fane’s shoulder, his brow furrowing as he studied the two of us. “I knew that bite caused more than a cool neck tat,” he mumbled.

Fane shot him a deadly look. “Not now, Logan.”

“Youwillbe explaining it later.” The high demon turned to me and gave a broad grin. “How’s the prettiest roommate I’ve ever had doing?” He strolled to the other side of the bed and stretched out next to me.

I peeled Fane’s hand off and rested it on the covers. “I’ve been better.”

Camus stepped closer to the bed, peering at Fane and me. “What’s going on? Is there something I should know?”

“Yes, there is.” My lips thinned, and it took all my control not to scramble off this bed and punch him. “You should know that I fought my ass off to take out as many agrigons as possible, and I killed a royal demon, even after he pinned me to the ground with my sword.” I lifted my hands to show him the bandages around my palms.

Fane’s lips curled back to bare his teeth. “That high demon is still alive, hiding somewhere.”

“Our patrols haven’t come across any high demon yet,” Camus said.

Fane cracked his neck while a vein pulsated in his forehead beneath his messy hair. “I’ll find him.”

Camus rested his hand on the dresser a few feet away, his shoulders drooping like something heavy weighed them down. “I don’t understand how no one in the pack picked up on their scents. It doesn’t add up.”

Ephraim strolled toward the end of the bed and perched on the edge. “A lot of this doesn’t make sense, just like the zubrek demon coming into our land. No one detected that hideous thing, either.”

“Another thing that doesn’t add up is what your beta did.” My hands curled into fists as I imagined rearranging that tool’s face. “While I was being attacked by the royal and high demon, Dorian ran off like a spineless prick, leaving me to die and his pack to fend for themselves. What kind of beta does that? I almost died to saveyourpack.” The cuts in my palms throbbed, and I unfurled my fists. “Like you said, I’m not a part of the pack, but I sure as hell care more about it than that coward Dorian.”

The alpha’s nostrils flared, and a golden glow eclipsed his green irises. “That can’t be true. Dorian wouldn’t just leave.” His voice lowered, and a rough edge dug into each syllable. “He’s nearly died for this pack.”

My head tilted and lips pursed. “Did he?”

“Of course,” Camus snapped. “He saved those kids. No one can deny that.”

“Did anyone actually see him kill those vampires?” Maybe someone else had done the dirty work while Dorian took the glory. “Either way, I hope you plan on being alpha for a long time because the moment he takes over, this pack will fall apart.”

“She’s right.” Logan pulled a pack of M&M’s from his pocket and tore the bag open. “I don’t need to be a shifter to know that.”

Before the alpha could snap at Logan, Ephraim stood and came to Camus’s side. “Do you really want this to be your legacy? Do we know for sure what happened with those young vampires?”

Camus let out a string of curses that ended in a growl, and he pushed away from the dresser, jamming his hand into his hair. “This is a nightmare.” He stormed out of the room, and a few moments later, the front door slammed.

“That went well.” Logan offered me a handful of candy, but I shook my head.

Ephraim pinned Fane with a knowing look. “Camus is not going to simply renounce Dorian.”

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