Page 109 of Savage Bond

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“You know.” Fane’s hand brushed over the sun tattoo on my abdomen. “Find your shifter or tap into the Infernal Sol. Use anything you fucking can to survive this.”

A choked sob slipped out.“What if I can’t come back from it? What if the amulet takes me over, and I’m just gone.”

“I won’t let that happen.” Fane emerged above me, his eyes so bright they rivaled the moon for dominance. “Just get up.”

Why was he always urging me to live, to survive. I’d lost count of how many times Fane had appeared when I was in trouble to give me a pep talk. Here he was again when my death was so close. All I had to do was give in.

But he wouldn’t let me.

His hand landed on my chest, and warmth spread through me, waking my senses and unclouding my focus. I blinked at him, a million questions speeding through my mind. When he’d tried to take my pain in his phantom form before, it didn’t work. Aches and sharp throbs still pulsated everywhere, so if he hadn’t taken my pain, what the hell did he just do?

“Do it, Tate.” Fane’s form flickered, and the edges dimmed like a lightbulb going out. “Reach inside and grab hold of that power, or I will go to whatever afterlife exists to hunt your spirit down and torment you for eternity.”

He would.

His presence faded, leaving me alone with the two monsters. But for some reason, I felt stronger than I had a few minutes ago, energized even. My thoughts slowly became coherent again.

Fane had definitely done something. And I wouldn’t waste it.

The two demons on top of me wore euphoric expressions as they slurped up my soul. They weren’t going to be so happy in a minute.

As if it knew I was coming for it, like a dog waiting for his master, the Infernal Sol perked up and reached for me. But I would never be this power’s master. It would enslave me as soon as it could.

I touched the wicked, seductive magic and allowed it to flow through my veins. My back arched off the ground as fire erupted in me. A kaleidoscope of colors burst around my vision, and the electric tang of magic coated my mouth and slithered over my tongue.

Darkness filled every cell and every fiber of my being to the brim as if an impenetrable abyss had swallowed me whole. With gritted teeth, I gathered my strength and bucked both demons off. The pounding pain meant nothing, and I ripped my palms from the ground, blood spurting out of the wounds.

But I was numb except for the crushing, choking rage that made me want to demolish these two monsters into tiny pieces.

I jumped to my feet, and a roar so loud it could have ripped the universe in half belted out of my mouth. Talons sprouted from my fingers, each one sharp as any blade, and my gums pulsated as my teeth sharpened to lethal points.

Some of my shifter side had emerged—the mystical animal’s head prodded against my chest—but the demon amulet held all the dominance. A red haze melted over my vision, and violence seared my tongue, craving destruction and mayhem.

The demons blinked as they attempted to analyze the creature I’d become. Shifter or demon? They couldn’t work it out. I slinked closer, and they tensed.

Could they sense the ancient demon power in me? Did it frighten them?

With another battle cry, I charged. The royal fought back, his talons slicing into my side, spewing warm blood. But there was no pain. My body ran off adrenaline, fury, and power, leaving no room for anything else.

I slashed the royal’s sternum so deeply that his flesh peeled away. He staggered back, gripping his bloody torso as fear thinned the blackness of his eyes until navy showed.

His life was mine.

I crushed my foot into his shin, the cracking of bones music to my ears. His screams as he crashed to the ground joined the wonderful melody. Bright blue now shined in his irises instead of black, and he searched his surroundings as if seeing them for the first time.

“What is—”

His words cut off as I darted forward and sank my teeth into his neck. Foul, pungent blood burst into my mouth, and I fought the gags as I tore into the tissue like a savage beast. When I released him, a gaping wound dug into the royal’s neck, staining his platinum curls onyx. My talons did the remainder of the work until his head dropped to the ground with a satisfying thud.

My lips twisted into a smile at the masterpiece of death at my feet.

Movement caught my attention, and my head lifted as the high demon froze a few feet away, fear pulsating from him. I wiped the blood from my mouth and strode forward, hellbent on making him pay. Maybe I had time to torture him a little.

A shrill whimper cut through my laser focus as an agrigon snapped his pincers and approached a ginger wolf trembling on the ground. The shifter’s back leg twisted at an odd angle, and blood coated the fur on his side.

Torture the high demon who tried to take my soul or save the wolf?

The wolf had a name. What was it?

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