Page 107 of Savage Bond

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My jaw clenched against the curses wanting to explode out. These shifters didn’t have much experience with sub-demons, not like these. They could have handled slugs, dragos, and a dozen other Underworld beasts easier than agrigons.

Had someone considered this and purposefully led the agrigons into Mohan Wilds? And the zubrek too?

I sprinted toward the left and jumped on a sub-demon that had Mina pinned to the ground. My sword slid through his back, stopping just above her face. Black blood spilled over her and splattered the area as I yanked the blade out to shove his head off.

Mina kicked the dead sub-demon off with me still on his back. Luckily, my reflexes were fast enough that I managed to jump and land on my feet.

The female shifter scrambled up, black speckling her strawberry hair. “You’re trying to kill me, psycho freak.”

“If I wanted you dead, I would have let the thing cut your head off with his pincers, which he was about to do.” I wiped a dribble of sweat off my forehead before it could reach my eyes. “You’re welcome.”

A few more shifters had converged on the area, attacking the agrigons as best as they could. One of the wolves must have used their psychic link to call for help, but it only worked when they were in animal form. A russet wolf lay on the ground, whimpering from the poisonous bite on his side.

Mina began to change, but I held my hand out to halt her transformation. “Do you know how to use a sword?”

“What do I look like? A knight?” she snapped. “I’m a shifter, and I don’t need a sword. I have teeth and claws.”

A yelp echoed as a wolf fell, and then an agrigon heaved another one into a tree trunk, the snap of bones popping like gunshots.

Bile oozed up my throat. This was not going well.

The color drained from Mina’s cheeks as she realized the agrigons were more of a challenge than she thought. “I can manage.” She held her hand out.

I tossed my sword to her, and she caught it in the air. “Aim for the head or pincers. The ones with faint gray speckles on their backs are poisonous.”

She gave a curt nod and then darted toward a ginger wolf who must have been Will. I snatched another transformative hilt from my pocket and pulled out the sword just as a sub-demon lunged at me. A battle cry tore out of my mouth as I slammed the blade into his face, blood spattering the gray t-shirt beneath my jacket. I swiftly sliced his head off.

Time seemed endless as I tried to dismantle as many sub-demons as possible, cutting off their heads or pincers so they could do less damage to the wolves. Gashes dug into my legs and arms, and a few other injuries mottled my torso, but the pain didn’t register. My mind remained focused on the fight.

I had to kill the agrigons before any of them decided to wander into the neighborhoods. The Anders lived too close, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to them.

My sword pierced another sub-demon’s back, a wail bursting from his mouth. As I yanked the blade out to cut his head off, a figure barreled into me, and we hit the ground, tumbling several feet away.

When the forest stopped spinning and my vision cleared, a pair of impenetrable black orbs bored into mine. My body turned into a block of ice.


The air catapulted from my lungs as the high demon’s hands crushed into my shoulders to hold me down while his maw opened, sharp teeth shining in the moonlight. Dark blond waves framed his hollowed cheekbones and sunken eyes.

Had this high demon been hiding in Mohan Wilds the whole time? Didhedrop the charus? And why the hell had none of the wolves caught his scent? They were freaking wolves!

“So huungryyyy.” His voice came out in a harsh, desperate plea that reminded me of Fane’s brother.

Like Warin, the high demon’s gaze was glazed over, and his only thought centered around hunger and how to satiate it. His mouth lowered to mine as his power latched onto my soul.

Panic shredded my chest apart. He would suck me dry if I didn’t break his grip.

I gathered my strength and kicked him into a tree where he collapsed on the knotted roots. The shifters were too busy to notice the upper-level demon. With Mina’s help and my sword, they were making headway.

The high demon dug himself out of the roots, and I rolled over, grabbed my sword, and slashed at his leg.

He roared into the night, catching the attention of a few nearby shifters. Jake, at least I thought that was him, rushed forward and jumped on the high demon. They twisted in a blur, but as they stopped, a violent crack ricocheted through the forest.

My stomach heaved when the high demon moved and revealed Jake’s limp body as he transformed into his human shape. Dead. The demon broke his neck.

A growl erupted out of my mouth as anger pooled in my gut. I didn’t like Jake, but he shouldn’t have died tonight. These demons shouldn’t be in pack territory. That could have easily been one of the Anders.

I bolted up and sprinted for him, focusing solely on the high demon, which was why I missed the other threat approaching on my left.

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