Page 65 of Savage Bite

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Fane’s head tilted to the side. “Feel something?”

“Yeah, the urge to decapitate you.” Too bad I didn’t have any weapons.

He rolled his eyes. “I know you just felt a change inside of you.”

“And how the hell do you know that?”

A string of curses spewed from his mouth. “I should have known you were going to be this stubborn.” Fane kicked his boots off before he whipped his shirt over his head.

I stumbled back. “Uh, what are you doing?” The jagged tattoos continued across his chest, down his stomach, and bordered the sharp V-line disappearing into his jeans. My mouth watered at the sight of him. Images of us rolling around on the dirt slammed through my mind.

What the hell is the matter with me?

Fane closed the gap between us again, and I almost choked on my spit. “I’m going to help you shift.”

This close, the moon shined on the multitude of scars hiding within his tattoos. I wanted to run my fingers over them to see if they were as real as mine. Deep, painful lines radiated across his heart as if someone had tried to claw it out.

I opened my mouth to question him, but snapped it shut before the words dropped from my tongue. I hated when people showed too much curiosity in my own marks.

“I’d ask if you’d like to take a picture, but I’m sure this will find a permanent place in your mind.” Fane yanked his jeans down, revealing every single bare inch of him.

He was not a six-incher either. He was huge.

A cocky smirk pulled his lips apart. “I can tell by your stunned expression I’m even more amazing than you thought.”

My brain couldn’t function, glitching like a computer that had overheated or fallen prey to a virus.

The demon shifter was a freaking bug causing havoc in my system.

Heat sizzled off him, and he rolled his head, pops snapping through the forest. His shoulders curled forward while the black ink on his skin merged.

One second, he was a man covered in tattoos from his neck down to his feet, and the next, a wolf stood in front of me on four legs with slick, midnight fur covering his frame. But he wasn’t like any wolf in the wild.

Fane was enormous for one thing, his back hitting my waist and his head reaching even higher. His pupils had stretched to diamond slits while his eyes remained the same mismatched colors, except they glowed unnaturally in the forest's darkness.

Spikes sharp enough to slice my hand off ran down his spine and more sprouted from his knuckles. Lethal sickle claws extended from each paw.

I swallowed hard, and the tattoo on my neck vibrated. If Fane was dangerous in his man form, then this thing was a killing machine. His lips curled back as he snarled, showing his sharp teeth.

Uh, yep. Killing machine.

Fane pawed the ground and used his head to nudge my side so hard I stumbled.

“Hey!” I spun toward him. “Tossing me onto my ass won’t make me transform.” Scary beast or not, I wouldn’t let the prick harass me—more than he already had.

As his nostrils flared and he bared more of his large canines, I felt his patience thinning. But so was mine.

“I’m not changing into any wolfish beast. You tried, and nothing worked. Obviously, I’m not a shifter, so I’ll just go home now.” I pivoted and dashed through the trees.

It was stupid. I knew he’d chase me.

Maybe a tiny part of me wanted him to.

I sprinted over the soft leaves and pine needles as Fane’s presence loomed behind me, moving as silent as a phantom. A wave of heat washed over me before a hard body slammed mine to the ground, and we landed in a pile of crunchy leaves. As I brushed the hair out of my face, I expected a snout.

Instead, Fane had changed back except for his pupils, which remained in black diamond slits. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” His rough, feral voice shook my bones. “Do you want me to chase you?”

I squirmed beneath him, trying to shove him off. And then I remembered he was naked. The weight of his length rested against my leg, too close to the apex of my thighs, and every bit of my flesh burned against his.

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