Page 38 of Savage Bite

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My boots stumbled over the floor as I exited the secret passage into the sleek, contemporary room, my limbs shaking as sweat collected on my nape, wetting my hair. I bolted into the hall and slammed into a wall of muscle.

How did Fane get down here so fast?

As a hard grip cinched around my arm, my body instantly went into panic mode without an ounce of lust. This wasn’t Fane.

“I knew you were trouble.”

I craned my neck back to look into the face of the enormous guard, Mykel, who’d caught me earlier. Furic stood next to him, scowling.

“I thought you were here to play,” he said.

My lips thinned into a hard line. “You wouldn’t like my games.” I crushed my heel into Mykel’s foot, but it barely affected the huge guard.

Time for weapons.

I grabbed a dagger off my belt and jammed it into the guard’s side, twisting until he released a howl of rage. As Furic dove for me, I kicked my leg out and slammed my boot into his ribs hard enough that a satisfying crunch ricocheted through the opulent hall. He staggered into a table, knocking off a vase.

“You’ll never make it out of here,” Mykel sneered, black blood oozing from his side. “If you came to steal from the lord, you should know not a single thief has made it out of these walls alive.”

I ignored his warning and rammed my knee into his crotch. Furic came at me with a raised fist, but I ducked his hit and rolled across the ground to miss the swipe of the guard’s hand, his talons grabbing a few strands of my hair. I yanked a pouch of Malefic ash—a powerful sleeping dust witches made—off my belt and tossed the entire dose on the two demons. Thankfully, I didn’t protest when Coltrane gave it to me in case of an emergency.

Furic crashed to the ground unconscious, and then Mykel hit the slick tiles so violently I was surprised they didn’t crack.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall…

I sprinted down the hall, racing through the maze and back to the grand room to blend into the party. Once the ominous music and laughter rose, I slowed, finally emerging from a hall that branched off the atrium.

The party was still in full swing, demons dancing and chatting while Karn lounged in his throne. Another human female took the chair at his side, and I searched the crowd for the one he’d been sucking on earlier.

What happened to her?

A sick twist in my gut told me she was dead.

I descended the stairs at an agonizingly slow pace while my heart raged within my chest cavity. Sweat dampened my skin, and the sheer shirt stuck to my torso like a wet shower curtain on a tub. Some of the guests did a hell of a lot more than dance, not even bothering to hide it. Soon, this place would be worse than the private party room at Wrath & Ruin.

Heat and panic pressed in on me from all sides as I shoved my way through the masses, attempting a casual path to the front door.

Just let me get out of here.

Only a few more feet stood between the foyer and me. And then the door.

But fickle fate had other plans.

Fingers that burned my flesh and made the hairs on my nape stand at attention wrapped around my arm and dragged me into a shadowy alcove. My back hit the wall so hard my bones rattled.

“You really think you can get away from me that easily?” Fane crowded my space, trapping me. He grabbed my chin in a bruising hold to yank my head up. “Give it to me.”

I tore his hand from my face. “Go to hell, half-demon scum.”

His laughter had ice crystalizing over my spine. “Don’t think you’re some precious gem either. We’re both monsters, right?”

My jaw clenched at having my own words thrown back at me. “You’re not getting the Infernal Sol. It’s mine.”

Fane harshly ran his hands over my body, searching for the amulet. I tried to buck him off, but he only shoved me back, continuing his perusal. His fingers slipped between my legs for a second, causing a bolt of electricity to hit me right in the center. We halted, staring at each other as his touch lingered.

A commotion rippled through the party, and the music sheared off.

“Thieves have invaded this house!” Ziva flew down the stairs, her eyes no longer blue but bottomless pits of tar.

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