Page 36 of Savage Bite

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“What the fuck areyoudoing here?” I hissed, too stunned to even think of a defensive move.

A snarl twisted his lips, baring his teeth. “I could ask you the same question, Tatum Teague.”

I shouldn’t be surprised he knew my name. Hedidbreak into my room at Corvin Manor to leave a gift.

Like an idiot, my gaze flicked to the chest that held the Infernal Sol. When he followed my eyeline, a low, dangerous growl rumbled through him.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he muttered.

Chills broke out over my body. He hadn’t come for me. Nope. We’d crept into Lord Karn’s torture bedroom for the same reason, the Infernal Sol.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, knocking the sense back into my addled brain, and I bent my leg to kick him, but the bastard had reflexes like a vampire and batted my boot away. He wrapped his hand around my throat and squeezed. Stars burst around the edges of my vision.

“You are not screwing this up for me.” The steel hoop in his bottom lip scraped against his teeth as he sneered. “I will snap your neck before—”

I slammed my heel into his shin, loosening his grip, and then I hooked my legs around his arms, finally breaking his hold. Air flooded my lungs, and my gasping breaths reverberated against the walls. The guy blinked, shocked that I’d gotten free so quickly.

Captain Coltrane had been right. Others would come for the Infernal Sol, and I wasn’t about to let this demon shifter creep snatch it.

I scrambled to my feet, delivered a roundhouse to his cheek, and punched his jaw. Fire exploded over my knuckles, but I ignored it and slipped out of his reach toward the trunk.

A band of iron wrapped around my middle, and he yanked me away from the table. My feet flailed in the air as I struggled in the nightworlder’s grasp.

“Get the fuck off me, evil asshole.” My elbow jabbed his side, but it only earned me an annoyed grunt.

Hot breath ghosted over my ear. “You haven’t seen evil yet, baby girl.”

“Ugh.Baby girl?” Nothing was worse than being called that by some tool who wanted to get into your pants. At least this one just wanted to kill me. “You talk to all the girls you plan to murder that way?”

“Only the special ones.”

The room spun, and I landed in the middle of Karn’s bed, a weight dropping on me. “I’d planned on drawing this out, making you suffer like my brother did, but it’ll have to be a quickie instead.”

“Let’s be honest.” When I tried to curl my knees to shove him off, he used his legs to press mine into the mattress. “You’re not capable of much more than a quickie.” One of my arms broke free, and I punched his cheek right over a scar.

His irises flared brighter as he grabbed my arms, pinned them to the pillows above my head, and let the entirety of his weight drop to crush me into the bed.

Every inch of him aligned with me, hard muscles and hot, sweltering flesh meeting mine. His spicy, earthy scent washed over me, filling my senses like a raging tempest. Silken black strands brushed over my forehead, and I had the most ridiculous urge to run my fingers through those locks.

My breath quickened as I uselessly struggled, too aware of him.All of him. His length, not even hard, rested against my leg like a warning—or a temptation.

The visceral reaction hit me like a bolt of lightning. Flames ignited low in my belly and radiated outward, licking over my ribs and between my legs. Tiny flutters ricocheted through my core, making me want to arch into his touch. I choked back the whimper crawling up my throat.

What the actual fuck was wrong with me? I should have been disgusted by him, but my body had the opposite reaction.

His head cocked to the side, and his nostrils flared, the city lights tinting the thin hoop piercing his nose red. “Youlikethis.” A flash of revulsion whipped across his rugged face, followed by a cruel, sadistic smirk. “This is turning you on.”

“Fuck you.” When I tried to free myself from his heavy hold, it only created more friction between our bodies. “I’d rather screw one of those demons downstairs than you.”

His other hand slowly slid up my side, and his fingers wrapped around my throat, not hard enough to restrict my air but enough to feel the danger. “I bet you’d like me to choke you while my cock was buried inside of you.”

Moisture pooled between my legs despite the hatred sparking around us. “You’re even more demented and psychotic than I thought.”

His laughter vibrated through me, only serving to stoke the flames hotter. “Oh, Teague, did you forget I’m half shifter?” His head dipped forward, his lips coming so close to mine I could taste them. “I can smell your arousal.”

Heat spread up my throat as blood rushed to sensitive places, throbbing so acutely I had to bite back a groan. But it didn’t matter. This freak demon shifter knew exactly how much desire filled my veins.

Why was this nightworlder turning me on? He was probably just like his beastly brother that I killed. And yet, with his fingers slowly tightening over my throat, all I could think about was wrapping my legs around him and driving my hips forward.

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