Page 17 of Savage Bite

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I breathed in and out through my nose, choking back the anxiety, and as I did, the conversation on the other side of the door became clear.

“The new shipment was delivered earlier tonight,” a male demon said, his voice so deep and harsh it sounded like rocks being dragged over cement.

“That’s good, Graymar. We’re running low.” The other demon, also male, spoke in a smoother rhythm.

A grunt came from Graymar. “Yeah, Don. Hopefully, we’ll have better luck this time after the previous ones failed to perform.”

What the hell did that mean? Failed to perform? Were they talking about Rapture? Did they get a bad batch, or were they referring to something else?

“Vox almost lost one,” Don said. “He and Danica are loose cannons.”

Graymar scoffed. “No shit. That’s why I put Levi on their asses. He has more sense than both of them put together.”

Silky laughter flowed out of the other demon. “Did you see what he did when he caught Danica sampling some of the—”

His words sheared off, followed by frantic whispers between the two of them. I leaned forward, straining to hear.

The door suddenly ripped open, and a huge demon with twisting spikes on his shoulders grabbed my throat and dragged me out of the bathroom so fast I didn’t have time to fight. He slammed me against a wall.

“What’s a little human doing hiding in there?”


Graymar,the demon who dragged me out of the bathroom, snarled as his teeth sharpened to points and oily black tar swirled into his irises. “What did you hear, human?” His abrasive, baritone voice rattled my bones, and the threat permeating each word had my pulse shooting through the roof.

He didn’t realize I was a raven or that I could see beyond his glamour, but his human guise, like a ruthless biker on steroids, was scary on its own.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, and I gathered my strength, preparing for a fight. This would be the first time I’d battled with a nightworlder since gaining supernatural abilities.

His fingers tightened around my throat, and I lifted my leg, moments from crushing it into his kneecap when the door opened, and a figure slinked into the room.

“What’s going on in here?”

A warm, soothing tenor coiled around my senses and loosened my muscles. Power flooded the atmosphere, so palpable it had the hairs on my arms lifting. Before he emerged behind Graymar, I knew who had entered the room.

High Demon Lord Ruin Bacchus peered over his employee’s shoulder, arching a perfect eyebrow into his sheet of rich indigo hair.

“We caught her hiding in the bathroom,” Don said, the smaller of the two demons. “She was listening in on our conversation. Someone sent her in as a spy.”

His words snapped me out of the daze the lord’s appearance had put me in. “Spy? I came to use the bathroom.” I gripped Graymar’s hand and yanked it from my throat with more force than he thought me capable of. “If I wanted to know something from demons, I’d just ask.”

His eyes widened as he realized what he was dealing with. “Raven,” he sneered the word.

The demon lord would have sensed what I was the moment he walked in so there was no point in pretending.

“Graymar and Don, I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding.” Lord Ruin pointed to the door. “Return to your stations, and I’ll sort this out.”

Oh shit. That meant leaving me alone with the demon lord.

Graymar and Don left without another word, closing the door behind them. As Lord Ruin stepped closer, I pressed myself farther into the wall to put more space between us. His flawless, porcelain skin gleamed under the dim blue lights, and he emanated a warm vanilla scent that made me think of sugar cookies and candy from River Street Sweets.

“I really was looking for a bathroom,” I said, expending a tremendous amount of control to keep my body from going into fight-or-flight mode. This guy could break me in half if he wanted to. “The line outside was too long.”

He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his black pants, that vibrant stare studying me as an amused smile tugged at his pouty lips.

Pouty lips?For shit’s sake, Roxie was rubbing off on me.

“How did you get in here? We keep the door locked.”

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