Page 11 of Savage Bite

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She leaned into my personal space, her flowery perfume crinkling my nose. “You’re not the best one here. You’re just a piece of gutter trash Coltrane took pity on.”

“Is that what you think?” My hands curled into fists so tight my nails dug into my palms.

“It’s what I know.” A smirk pulled at her lips. “She wanted to see if she could turn some little runaway orphan into a soldier. And the moment you mess up as a raven, you’ll find your ass back on the street where you belong.”

I could end her with one punch. Lean muscle wrapped her petite frame, giving her power and strength, but she didn’t know how much darkness clawed just beneath my skin. Like Roxie, Kourtney transferred less than a year ago from another city, so neither of them had witnessed my viciousness when I first arrived.

“Careful, Kourtney. I only have so much restraint.” My limbs shook with the effort it took to choke back the inner demons trying to rise and attack her.

Her laugh grated on my ears. “You better keep that anger under control, girlfriend. You wouldn’t want Coltrane to kick you out. Then how would you finally get Hawk to notice your pathetic crush?”

The blood drained from my cheeks, and I covertly checked to see if anyone had heard her. Tasha and Mark chuckled under their breath. Fuck. They definitely heard. “You’re full of shit, Tran.” I snatched another paper cup and filled it with water, concentrating on keeping my hand steady. I could always deny it if any rumors got back to Hawk. “Take your petty bullshit somewhere else. I have more important things to worry about.”

She picked at a tiny piece of lint on her sports bra. “He would never go for you, sweetie. He doesn’t dumpster dive like some street urchin.” She spun and marched back to her friends, twitching her hips like she was walking a runway.

My insides twisted into knots as her words settled in. Was that the reason Hawk had never made a move? Because he saw me as a runaway charity case?

Well, by the end of the day, no one could call me a runaway charity case anymore. I’d be a full raven charged with protecting Savannah with Hawk as my partner. Everything would be fine after the initiation ceremony—as long as nothing went wrong with The Calling spell.


The sunfinally descended over the horizon, the brightest rays disappearing beyond the courtyard walls. I wiped away a dribble of sweat leaking down my temple. The all-black raven attire didn’t help stave off the humid summer heat, but at least Coltrane’s speech would end soon. And then the witch from Maleor Suprema would perform The Calling incantation to turn us into full-fledge ravens.

Ravens and novices gathered in the large courtyard to watch our initiation, some lingering on the red and terracotta stones while others watched from the second and third-story balconies. Before nightfall, twelve of us would become faster and stronger than any human.

I clenched my teeth, and my fingers curled into fists by my sides. I would never fail to protect anyone again.

The fresh scent of jasmine drifted on the wind from vines crawling over the brick walls and latticework decorating the area. A rainbow of flowers attracted bees while a fountain bubbled on the right. This was such a beautiful, tranquil place for a bunch of supernatural warriors.

We protected the innocent. And we stopped the villains.

A lot of nightworlderswerevillains. Most just pretended to be something else.

“And as you dive into this perilous journey, keep your wits about you and your senses honed,” Coltrane continued, her voice carrying through the courtyard without a microphone. “You can never be too careful with what lurks in the shadows, whether you can see it or not.”

No place was ever really safe, not while dangerous nightworlders slithered through every darkened corner of this city and many others on Earth.

As her gaze weighed on us, this new responsibility pressed against my shoulders. Coltrane’s stare felt like a silent demand that I not disappoint her, that I become the best raven ever trained in these walls.

“This path is not for the faint of heart or the weak. You’ve proven your strength and commitment by being here today.” The captain’s head lowered. “Some of you will falter, and some may lose but know that your sacrifice will never be in vain. Even one innocent life saved from harm is worth it.”

Since my life should have been forfeit that night, I’d gladly die to save someone else.

I tried to listen to the rest of Coltrane’s speech about honor, bravery, and our duty as we moved into the new phase of our lives. Some of the ravens initiated today would be sent to other cities, but Hawk and I would remain here as official partners.

As I peeked at him, he turned and grinned. He no doubt made sure his aunt kept us together, or maybe she thought I could curb some of Hawk’s rebellious nature like I’d done with my own.

Either way, as long as we were together, I didn’t care.

An elbow dug into my other side, and I glared at Roxie.

“Don’t look at me like that.” She chuckled under her breath. “You’ve heard Coltrane’s initiation speech before.”

“But this is different,” I hissed. “It’s for us.”

She stuck out her tongue and then swished her black ponytail in my face. “Whatever. Be ready tonight by nine-thirty.”

“You still haven’t told me where we’re going.”

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