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My chest heavily rises and falls. Something keeps happening between us lately and I still don’t know what it is. This feeling isn’t one I’ve ever felt before. I haven’t enjoyed being touched this much in a long time. Occasionally I’d pull away from Isaac, or be overwhelmed by his kisses and hugs. I never feel that way with Finn.

“I like doves.”

“Oh yeah? You sure that’s the only reason?”

“Yes,” I rasp, forgetting how to use my limbs.

“I like doves too. Especially very beautiful ones with dark eyes who like to sing when they think no one’s watching.”

“I—” I stammer on my words. What is he talking about? My cheeks heat. He can’t know. Can he?

“Do you like to sing, Theo? Or peck at food from someone else’s hand and occasionally want your back feathers stroked?”

“You… I…” My words are a jumbled mess and I don’t know how to untangle them.

“You can tell me anything. I’ll never judge you. Your words are safe with me. So are you.”

“Yes,” I finally say, my need overpowering all reason.

“What if I told you I wanted you to do all that with me? Would you? Will you let me help you spread your wings so you can fly, love bird?”

On the inside I’m screaming yes. Never did someone else’s words sound so damn promising. I’ve hoped for them for a long time. They weren’t supposed to come from my brother’s stepson.

“We can’t,” I finally manage. “Whatever is happening between us can’t continue.”

Sighing softly, both of Finn’s hands cup my face. “I can’t keep ignoring it. I won’t. I’ve tried to stay how we are, but it’s eating me up inside for you to be so close but still out of my reach. I want you, Theo. Both versions. All of it.”

“Both versions?” I can’t be hearing him right. He can’t mean what I think he means.

“When you’re like this and whenever you need to be a dove. You don’t need to hide any of it from me.”

“But how?” Was Finn in the scene? Did he find out from certain cues I gave off? Was I dropping hints at random times without knowing? If I was, only a Dom would notice. My heart skyrockets.

“Because I’ve seen it. At a party a while ago. I didn’t know it was you at first but the moment I learned who was behind the feathered mask is when everything clicked into place.”

“You were there?” I say between quickened breaths. “But why?”

“You know why. What does your sub side say?”

His eyes lock on to mine, holding me in place, and my inner sub is telling me to drop to my knees for this man. “I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do.” He strokes along the pulse point on my neck. “You want me to stroke your feathers and tell you what a pretty bird you are.”

I shake my head, my heart thudding. “It’s wrong for you to want me but not as much as it is for me to want you back, so please don’t make it so damn hard for me to walk away.”

“Fuck wrong and right,” he spits out. “You want everything I’m ready to give. Stop fighting what’s meant to be and allow yourself to have it, baby.”

My breath stutters, the term of endearment piercing me in the chest. “You need to leave. If you don’t, we’ll both do things we’ll regret later.”

“The only thing I regret is not realizing things sooner, and if I leave right now, it’ll be added to the list. Isaac didn’t deserve you.”

“And you do?” My voice wavers. What if he gets what he wants from me tonight and realizes he doesn’t need more, then walks away forever? I’ll miss the random visits. The text messages that leave me smiling. Being the one to steal his food.

“I want to reach that point. Tell me everything you need and let me be that.” His warm hands slide down my neck and his nose presses to mine. “I’m going to kiss you now. If you truly don’t want it then pull away before I get to three.”

He caresses the sensitive area behind my ear. “Uno.” He licks his lips. My breath hitches when he says, “Dos.” By the time he reachestres, my mouth parts like an open invitation. Before I have a chance to break free from my trance, his lips seal over mine, causing my brain to short-circuit. His warm tongue darts in and out, heat traveling from his body to mine. I’m too lost in the taste of him to pull away. Too high up in the clouds for my feet to reach the ground.

Unable to resist any longer, I relax against him and kiss him back. Hard and desperate. My eyes are closed and yet I’ve never seen so much light before. So many vibrant colors flash behind my lids, leading me away from the dark place I was in only minutes ago.
