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Bastian was pushed to the ground by one of Rogan’s men, his body hitting the hard dirt floor with a smack. His eyes filled with fire as he turned his head toward Rogan. His arms were roughly yanked back, and the ropes were painfully cinched around his wrists by two more of Rogan’s men. Bastian opened his mouth, about to speak words of defiance, but instead, he clamped his teeth back together. There were many things that I wanted to say, but this was not the time for words. I had to be ready to act if I wanted my actions to speak louder than any words ever could. I just had to wait for the right moment.

Once Bastian was firmly strapped to the pole, the men turned their attention to me. First, they wound the restraints tightly around me from my wrists, up over my torso and back down to my waist. Then, my ankles and legs were bound together. Rogan came around behind me and checked my ropes, letting out a pleased hum.

“Good work,” he muttered.

The men left the room after Rogan waved his hand, leaving just the three of us. He stepped forward, a devious grin plastered across his face.

“It’s been a while, brothers,” he said.

“Why are we here?” I scoffed, unmoved by Rogan’s words.

Rogan’s face twisted in anger, and he stepped closer to me. “It’s a shame you had to be forced to return. Unfortunately, not all of us were allowed to be with a queen,” he sneered.

Fury burnt in me, and I could feel my body trembling with rage. Bastian’s anger radiated through the room, and I desperately wished he could control himself better. When it came to Lia, he let his emotions get in the way.

“You son of a bitch!” he shouted. “You stay away from her!”

Bastian shouted more curses, but then Rogan struck him in the face with such force I heard bones crack. My brother’s head lolled forward, and blood dripped from his mouth, pooling onto the floor.

Rogan chuckled and slowly stepped closer, his eyes dancing. “Bastian has a mouth on him now. He used to not be so vocal. It looks like the fae changed you both.”

“I’m going to ask again,” I said through clenched teeth. “Why are we here and why are you working with Diawen?”

Rogan’s face went blank with surprise, but he quickly regained his composure. He strode over to a table, grabbed a bottle of mead, and took a long drink before turning back to me. Then, holding a dagger in his hand, he pointed it at me and spoke in a low voice.

“I can’t be the true leader of the Tyvar until you and your brother are dead. Many here won’t follow me until I claim that right.”

I eyed the blade carefully, then met his gaze with defiance. “And yet, you felt the need to weaken us beforehand. It proves that you don’t have the strength to beat me at my best.”

Rogan’s grip on the knife tightened, his knuckles turning white as he rushed toward me. Then, suddenly, an invisible wave of power blasted him away, sending the dagger flying through the air.

“Enough!” Diawen shouted.

She emerged from the shadows behind him, her long raven-colored hair cascading down her back and her crystal blue eyes glinting in the light. Her beauty was so divine, almost angelic, but I steeled myself and refused to be cowed by her presence. She sized up Rogan with a critical eye before turning her attention to Bastian and me. A sly smirk crept onto her lips as she stepped toward us, but then she stopped when Rogan spat under his breath.

“I’m ready to end this,” he hissed.

Diawen’s eyes darkened with fury when she turned to him. “Not yet. You know what we’re waiting on. It’s only a matter of time.”

Rogan’s lips pressed together, and a wild glint sparkled in his eyes. “I’m ready,” he said.

Diawen snorted in frustration. “I’m sure you are. Now, off with you. I need to speak to Bayleon alone.”

Rogan gave me a menacing look before he walked out, the door clattering shut behind him, leaving me alone with the siren. She gracefully moved closer, her black dress billowing around her as she bent down to my level. A faint look of admiration and curiosity crossed her face as she traced her long fingernail down my skin.

“What makes you and your brother different from the others?” she asked, searching my eyes. “Did the fae change you that much?”

“What do you know about that?” I replied, my voice full of disdain.

A sly smile spread across Diawen’s face. “Oh, I know a lot,” she said, pacing the room, her steps so light it seemed like she was gliding over the floor. “I’ve been watching you for the past couple of years. I know that you left your men here to go live in the Spring Court and it seemed like you were trying to be a better man, maybe because you loved someone.” Her voice rose with excitement. “And that’s when I saw you and your brother withher, the Spring Court princess, only now she’s the Blossom Court queen.” Diawen laughed, a chilling sound that seemed to reverberate off the walls. “And, of course, I wasn’t surprised when I found out she wanted to break the curse,” she said, shaking her head. “It was always so obvious that she loved you and your brother.” She sighed heavily, her lips pursed in a frown. “But I can’t let that happen. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.”

“Come to what?” I growled, my voice thick with anger.

Diawen stepped closer to me, stopping just centimeters away from my face. She looked deeply into my eyes, her gaze filled with remorse.

“For you to die,” she replied, reaching out to run her finger along the braid in my hair. “Of all the Tyvar I’ve created, you and Bastian are the ones I hate to see suffer the most. If you just stayed where you belonged, none of this would be happening right now.”

With my jaw clenched, I stared at her. “If you or any of the Tyvar so much as touch Lia, I’ll tear you to pieces.”
