Page 96 of Paid In Full

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He does know I’m a human being, right?

“Regardless, I called you in here to offer you a job. Gin sang your praises. My brother is dramatic and over the top, but he doesn’t tend to boast about most people. I looked over your work myself and was impressed.”

Holy shit. Giancarlo talked about me to his brother? Wonder if he said anything else about me.

“Are you listening, Ash?”

I snapped to attention. “Yes.”

He quirked a brow at me, and I couldn’t help but feel chastised.

“What kind of job?”

“You will be going over the accounts. We have a team of accountants, but as you can see, they either are incompetent or someone is helping rob my family’s business.” Bentio spread his fingers out as he let out a slow breath.

I doubted much got under his skin, but fucking over his family was one way to go straight to hell. “Okay, I can do that.”

“Good, your job title will be Giancarlo’s secretary officially, but your real job will be to look over all financial paperwork that comes through. I don’t have to stress that no one should know about your position or what you’re doing.” His lids lowered as his menacing gaze bore into me.

Undiluted fear shot through my veins. I locked my knees to keep from falling. “I understand.”

“Good.” Just like that, the mood lightened somewhat. Benito moved some paperwork around on his desk. “Regarding your pay, I can give you enough to pay Giancarlo back. You can consider it a hiring bonus—”


Benito cocked a brow at me, and I realized how harsh my voice had sounded. “No, I mean.” I cleared my throat. “I’d love to help you out any way I can.”

Benito’s hard gaze never wavered from me. “But?”

Pressure laid heavily over my shoulders. Doing the work would help Giancarlo, and that was reason enough to say yes. But I didn’t want him to pay Gin back for me. I wasn’t ready for things to come to an end. “I have my own deal with Giancarlo, and it would be disrespectful of me to disregard it.”

Benito’s brows lifted. I could almost fool myself into thinking I surprised the head of the Vitale family. However, just as quickly as the expression had appeared, it vanished, leaving behind nothing.

“If you would still like for me to work here, I am more than happy to.”

Benito lowered his hands. He was a lot tanner than Gin was, and unlike Gin, he sported tattoos on his hands. Silver rings decorated his fingers. “Have a degree?”

I shook my head as my upbringing shattered another dream of mine. “I have a high school diploma.” No thanks to my father. Even outside his house, he still controlled my life. I could practically hear him in my ear telling me I wasn’t smart enough for college. I wasn’t good enough.

“While you work here, why don’t you look into going to college?” Benito said.

My head snapped up, and I stared at the man like he was insane.Well, he is related to Giancarlo, so he might be.“Really?”

Benito hit the button on the corner of his desk. “Janet, let Gin in.”

“He’s on his way, sir.”

Two seconds passed, and Giancarlo came crashing through the door. The moment I saw him, the tension in my shoulders eased.

“Why did you steal him?”

“I didn’t steal him. I saw him working and called him to have a talk. You knew I wanted to see him, remember?”

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Gin asked as he grabbed my chin and turned my head from side to side.

A grin pulled at my lips as I answered him. “No, he offered me a job.”

“He what?” Giancarlo looked ready to murder his brother.

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