Page 7 of Paid In Full

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What was supposed to be a silent auction erupted into the loudest thing I’d ever attended. It was pure chaos. Laughing, I kept going, egging on the bids. All the while, I could see Calahan’s greedy little gaze whipping around the room. Thankfully, he’d never seen me and didn’t recognize who I was. The only person he knew was Benito.

Good. Can’t wait to see the look on his face once he realizes who I am.

“Eight hundred thousand!” someone shouted.

I raised my paddle, not breaking a sweat amongst their perverted, fevered actions. “One point five million,” I said. “Final offer.”

Calahan shot up. “Sold,” he snapped at the buyer. “Sold!”

I stood up as the rest of the room dissolved into hatred. There was no way they could have ever beaten me, but they tried. As I walked up the aisle, Ash’s eyes stayed on mine. I was amused to find that the brown of his irises was flecked with green and gold.

Huh, he’s kind of appetizing.

I tried to keep my thoughts contained, but I couldn’t stop thinking about ripping his clothes off and examining what I’d just purchased.Focus.I turned my gaze from him to his father.

“Roger, how good of us to meet. Should I put every dime of my purchase on your account?”

He stared at me, gaping. “What?”

“Don’t you owe the Vitale’s one point two million?”

The man stammered over his words. “T-that means I’m entitled to some money back,” he blustered, redness coursing over his cheeks and neck. “At least give me the difference.”

I smirked. “Well, for your debt, there’s taxes, interest rates, late fees.” I ticked each thing off on my fingers. “As far as I’m concerned, you still owe us about four hundred thousand. Better get on that.”

Roger stepped after me as I walked away. “What the fuck!” he snapped. “How am I supposed to get that?”

I shrugged. “Not my problem. You’re done speaking to me.”

I gave him one last disdainful glare before I turned and walked toward the stage. Roger could rot for all I cared. The best part was that I’d just stolen his most valuable asset.

Time for that fucker to fend for himself.

“Your prize,” a man said, roughly passing Ash to me. “Congratulations, Mr. Vitale.”

I looked at the man in my arms. When he glanced up, those big eyes made my heart do flips. It suddenly dawned on me that I had an entire person to figure out what to do with. I could turn him loose, but his father would pick him up and use him again. What option did I have?

“Guess you’re coming home with me,” I muttered.

Really hope this doesn’t bite me in the ass.

One lookat my father’s devastated face and I knew it wasn’t good enough.Iwasn’t good enough. The man who’d just bought me for more money than I’d seen my entire life stood before me.

I gave a single nod because what else was I going to do? My father had sold me off to pay his debts. In the end, this was always going to be my outcome. The fact he’d waited until I was twenty-two was a miracle.


On instinct, I turned to my father. My jaw burned in pain, my stomach clenched, and my shoulders burned. Everything hurt, and still, I had to face my father. Who knew what the hell would happen to me?

“Don’t come any closer,” my new owner told Father.

My back stiffened as fear crawled up my spine. I had no idea what kind of man he was. However, by his commanding voice alone, my future looked bleak. I’d rather go back home with my father. At least then, I knew the monster that stood before me. It was better than the unknown.

“He’s my son. I should be allowed to say my last few words to him.”

The man behind me let out an obnoxious laugh. “You fucking sold your son. Fuck off, Roger, before I tack on an inconvenience fee to your growing debt.”

My father bristled, his face reddening as his fists balled up. On instinct, I tried to smile around the gag in my mouth. My lips stretched even further, burning as they cracked. Ignoring the pain, I tried to appease my father the best I could.

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