Page 66 of Paid In Full

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A muffled noise caught my ear. I put my phone down, drawing myself out of thoughts of Ash as I focused on the chair in the middle of the room. Keith glared at me, but I could see the fear in his eyes. The gag stuffed in his mouth kept him quiet for the most part, except for grunts and muffled nonsense.

I stared at the phone one last time before I forced myself to leave it alone. Ash had my number. I’d bought him a phone the other day, so if he really wanted to contact me, he could.

Reaching out, I tugged the gag from Keith’s mouth. He coughed, his eyes trained on me as he stared up.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“I want to know if you ever touched Ash.”

He stiffened. “No.”

“You wanted to, though.”

Keith blinked at me. When he didn’t say anything, my fist slammed into his chest. He choked, all the wind knocked out of him as he sputtered and stared at me with huge eyes. The fear took over. I grinned.Man, I love it when they look like that.

“I have to be careful about the hand,” I said, showing it off and shaking it. “Normally, I wouldn’t give a fuck, but if I come back with split knuckles again, Ash will worry about me. And when he worries, it’s annoying as fuck.”

Not to mention it bugs the fuck out of me. When he gets all fussy, I get so antsy I just want to drag him into the room and let him fuck the life out of my holes. What’s wrong with me?

I wouldn’t admit it to Keith, but seeing Ash worry hurt. He fell to pieces when I was wounded, always trying to go above and beyond as if it was somehow his fault. Every time I came back from work, if he saw any injuries, he was all over them. It was both maddening and oddly adorable.

Did I just think the word adorable about him? Seriously?

“I’ve never touched him,” Keith wheezed out.

"But you wanted to,” I reiterated. “Right?” When he opened his mouth, I tapped the side of his head. "Now, think very carefully. I already know the answer, so if you lie, you’ll just piss me off. Did you want to touch him?”

Keith’s tongue darted across his lips. “Yes.”

My fist slammed into his stomach. He groaned, doubling over in the chair as shudders racked over his body. When he sat up straight, I hit him again just to dispel the irritation growing in my chest. He finally sat up again, panting this time.

“Come on,” he groaned. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Buying kids isn’t wrong?” I asked. “What you did to them isn’t wrong?”

Keith swallowed hard. “You’re in this world,” he muttered. “You know what this is like. What’s going on. Don’t act like you’re better than me—”

I grabbed a handful of his hair, my nails digging into his scalp. “You must have me confused with some kind of fucking pedophile. My family doesn’t do that shit. Even we have our limits. Apparently, you and Roger don’t. Where is Roger now?”

Keith struggled in his restraints. “I don’t know.”

I clicked my tongue. “I told you not to fucking lie."

I grabbed my phone and turned on my music. “Without Me” by Eminem blasted through the speakers as I picked up my Silvy. Turning it in my hand, I danced back over to Keith. He shouted something. I gestured to my ears, showing him I couldn’t hear a damn thing before I grinned. The look of panic on his face was good enough to eat.

Silvy vibrated as the silver head cracked against his right knee. Keith’s shouts almost rivaled the sound of Eminem rapping at warp speed.Can’t have that.I tugged the cloth back up, jamming it into Keith’s mouth while he tried to plead with me.

“Can’t hear you!” I shouted over the music. “Pedophiles make my ears clog up real bad.”

I swung again. The hammer slammed into his left knee this time, the loud crunch perfectly in time with a moment of quietness in the song. I grinned as I stepped back and admired my work. Tying him up was useless now. That asshole wouldn’t be able to walk anywhere anytime soon.

The moment they’d let Keith out of the hospital, I’d been on his ass, watching his every move. Not too surprisingly, it wasn’t hard to kidnap the dumbass. He looked over his shoulder alright, but he was far too preoccupied with his next jonesing of underage tail that it wasn’t hard to set something up and nab him. A little money in the right hands always went a long way. The song ended. I pressed pause and pulled the gag from his mouth.

“Want to try again?”

Keith panted, his eyes unfocused as he looked up at me. I could tell he was on the verge of passing out. That wasn't going to happen. I twirled Silvy in my hand. His eyes flitted to the side, staring at her before they darted back to me.

"What? You scared of Silvy?” I smirked. “She’s really nice as long as you tell me the truth, Keith. Where the hell is Roger these days? I’ve been looking for him, but it’s like the worm dropped off the face of the Earth. He must be hiding somewhere.”

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