Page 49 of Paid In Full

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Nothing. He wouldn’t so much as look at me as he shuffled back and forth, staring anywhere but in my direction. My chest squeezed so tightly I could barely breathe.

“Fine then, pout,” I snapped. I yanked the car door open. “Are you coming or not?”

Fuck you.

The words sat on my tongue, tasting bitter like burnt toast. My stomach twisted as I slipped into the passenger seat. Where else would I go? I had nothing else to do, and the thought of going to the brothel made me physically ill.

Having sex with Giancarlo was fine. I could do that. I even enjoyed it. Having sex with a bunch of random people, being passed around constantly? It was the nightmare my father had promised me over and over again. I shuddered and squeezed my arms tighter around myself.

Time ticked by, and old habits came rearing their ugly heads. I dropped my arms and faced the front as the car slowed at a light.

“I’m sorry for how I behaved.”

“Are you?” Giancarlo asked.

No. “Yes, it won’t happen again.”

“Kid, look at me.”

My upbringing demanded I obey him, but the small taste of freedom kept me facing forward.


My head snapped to the side, and I was met with deep brown eyes that, for some weird reason, grounded me. Giancarlo squinted at me. “Change of plans.”

He jerked the wheel to the right. My hands flew up, trying to find purchase as he took a right into oncoming traffic. The scream lodged in the back of my throat worked itself free as I saw my meager life flash before my eyes.

“What the fuck!” My fist collided with Giancarlo’s shoulder before any of my actions registered in my head. My blood was thundering in my ears so loudly it made Giancarlo’s laugh sound distant.

“Fuck, you should have seen your face.” Giancarlo slapped the wheel and made a fear-stricken face before laughing more.


“I mean, I have fucked a mother or four. Their pussies are top tier.” He lifted a hand and placed the other over his chest.

“Shit.” I reached over and straightened the wheel. Fear laced through every inch of my body but had no time to grip me with adrenaline burning under the surface.

“I, Giancarlo, swear as the god of great ass and dick—”

“Giancarlo!” My eyes widened as a car swerved past us, honking and flipping us off.

Giancarlo rolled the window down and hung his head out. “You fuck your mother with that finger?”

Fuck, this can’t be happening. I jerked the wheel and straightened it just as fast. Giancarlo righted himself. The moment his hands were on the wheel, I sank back against the seat.

“What the hel—”

“You’re not a bad driver, kid. A bit shaky, but hey, not everyone is as great as me.”

I had fucking whiplash. The compliment hit some deep part of my soul, and warmth spread throughout my body. I caught myself smiling in my reflection and shook my head. “I’ve never driven before, and I wouldn’t count that.”

Giancarlo gawked at me, and I pointed to the road. He winked before staring ahead.This man is going to kill me.

“Guess I’ll have to take another one of your firsts.”

My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t figure out if Giancarlo was crazy or ifIwas crazy for feeling so comfortable around him.

“Don’t say it like that.”

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