Page 31 of Paid In Full

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I thought about the endless days and glanced over to the front door. How many times had I sat there waiting for Giancarlo to come home?

“Did you masturbate?”

“What?” I jumped up from the table, making sure to push my chair in before I followed him to the living room. “How did you know?”

Giancarlo laughed. “It was a damn joke.” He stared at me, and I did everything in my power to avoid meeting his gaze.

“Wait a fucking minute. Did you?”

Why did he want to talk about my dick and what I did with it? “Benito said you were really busy with work, are you done now?”Or will you be leaving again?

Giancarlo plopped down on the sofa. I stood there awkwardly, unsure of what I should do.

“Work is never done.”

“Oh.” It was all I could muster in the face of my anxiety. I’d be left alone again. I should have been used to it, but it never got any easier. “Next time, I’ll make you something to eat when you return.” I took a few steps back as my stomach knotted. “You’re tired, right? I should start your shower.”

“Ash, come sit down.”

I slipped into the single chair.

“I’m not going to eat you,” Giancarlo growled.

There was no guarantee that wouldn’t happen. I was so much smaller than Giancarlo I was pretty sure if it came down to him or me, he’d eat me with ketchup or something. “I know that.”

“Then why in the hell are you all the way over there?”

I shrugged and looked away from him. “Maybe I like it over here.”

Giancarlo sighed, and I instantly stood up and moved over to the couch. The last thing I wanted was for him to leave because he was annoyed with me.

“You decided to come closer after all?”

I shrugged.

“You have some serious issues, kid, you know that?”

I cocked a brow at him. Had he looked in the mirror lately?

Giancarlo frowned, his thick brows dipping. “What? You got something to say?”

“No,” I rushed out and scooted away.

Giancarlo followed me. Every inch I moved away, he moved toward me, closing the gap between us. My breathing quickened as my back hit the arm of the couch, leaving no more space to escape.

“You got this deer in headlights look going on right now, and all I want to do is fuck you up.”

I swallowed, trying to wrap my head around what he was saying. Heat fluttered in the pit of my stomach and moved toward areas it had no business going. My cock twitched, and I mentally screamed at my body to get its shit together.

“Fuck, kid.”

My breathing was erratic as I stared up at Giancarlo. What was he going to do with me? Did he want to have sex? Would I get to touch him again? My mind was an endless tunnel the longer we sat there.

Giancarlo pulled back, and suddenly, I could breathe a bit easier. My chest felt less constricted, and my cock stopped trying to steal all the damn blood flow. All good things, and yet I wanted him back hovering over me, dominating the space between us.

“What did you think about when you masturbated?”

Shit, we were back on this topic. I straightened up and rubbed my clammy hands over my pants. Telling him I thought about how tight he felt around my fingers or the way he groaned when I slammed inside of him was probably not a good idea. I could practically picture Giancarlo gloating. I might not know him all that well, but there are a few things that were easy to pick out. He was a jokester, confident in an egotistical way, and scary.

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