Page 2 of Paid In Full

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“I want your hands off Silvy. That’s what I want!” I snatched her away. “I can clean her up.”

Enzo pulled a face. “The fact that you named a stupid hammer…”

“You’re a stupid hammer!”

“Enough!” Benito snapped. “What are you, five?” he asked me. “Stop. Get your shit together and go figure out what’s going on with our bid.”

I frowned. “Already did that. Weston’s still figuring out who to choose for the construction contract. I’ve tried to talk to him about it a few times, but the annoying fuck likes dangling it over everyone’s heads. Bet it makes his three-inch pecker feel real big.”

“No excuses,” Benito said, shoving a finger into my chest. “Get it done.”

It took everything in me not to slap his finger away. Why he was hellbent on testing me, I had no idea, but I would snap that finger if he kept jabbing it into me.

“Fine,” I grumbled through clenched teeth. “I’m going.”

At least I didn’t have to break down bodies. My back wouldn’t be screaming in pain when I returned home. I walked over to the hose in the corner of the warehouse and turned it on. Ice-cold water kissed my skin, making me jump.

“Shit! Why can’t we get a good shower installed in these places?”

“That wouldn’t be suspicious at all,” Enzo said. “A shower in a random warehouse full of your pubes.”

I glared at him. “What do you think I’m gonna do? Shave my balls in there?”

Enzo and Benito exchanged a look before Enzo nodded. “That’s exactly what you would do.”

“Keep going, Enzo. No, I want you to. You’re going to get a fist in your face.”

“I don’t recommend it,” Enzo said with a shrug. “We both know how fast my knife is.”

“Fuck, will you two shut up?” Benito growled. “Goddamn, why would anyone ever go into business with their family?”

“You love us,” I said, aiming the hose at myself again. “Shit, that’s cold!”

I washed off all the blood and bits of viscera that clung to my skin. My suit had collected most of it, but what had been attached to my flesh was gone too. I dropped the hose, shivering as one of our men jogged up to me with a towel.

“We have clothes for you, sir.”

“W-wanna give them to me instead of flapping your f-fucking mouth?” I snapped, trembling in the drafty ass building.

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” He stared at me for a minute longer, and I raised a brow.

“I know my dick is mesmerizing. Want to suck it?”

His eyes widened. “No, sir!”

“Why? You don’t like the way my dick looks?”

“I— um, that’s not it at all, sir.”

“So you do like the way it looks?”

His eyes darted around wildly, looking for someone to save him before they came back to me. “It’s a perfectly nice cock, sir.”

“Gross,” I said, smacking him upside the head. “Don’t stare at my dick, newbie. Get the fuck out of here. And don’t come back without my goddamn clothes!” I shouted as he scrambled away.

“Do you have to screw with them?” Benito asked as he moved over to me.

I grinned and gave him a shrug. “What? It’s fun to watch them squirm. Poor, scared bastards.”

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