Page 124 of Paid In Full

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“Love you more, little brother.” He stepped back, his fingers gripping my chin. “Go get your man back.” Benito shoved a finger in my face. “Don’t get on the goddamn news, or I’m kicking your ass. Again.”

A laugh fell from my lips even as I felt them swell. “Fine, I’ll behave. Or at least I’ll try. If I have to drag that man back kicking and screaming, I’m going to do just that, though.”

My brother rolled his eyes. “Of course. At least try to be discreet. Please,” he begged.

I grinned. “You haven’t said please since we were kids, and I was holding your head under the covers while I farted.”

“Fucking animal.”

I laughed as Benito flipped me off and walked out of my house. Once he was gone, I stared at Ash’s shoes once more. Walking over, I picked them up, tucked them under my arm and headed out. Mel’s clinic wasn’t far. If I knew Ash, and I did, he was probably moping around out there. It was time for him to come home.

* * *

Melony’s clinic was dark.The building looked just like any other in New York this time of night. I stared at my phone. Three am. It had been hours since Ash left me. I glanced around the building, but Ash was nowhere in sight.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. The ringing set my teeth on edge as I paced. I froze as I heard a familiar sound. Ash had the stupidest ringtone, this jingling that sounded ridiculous and jaunty like a unicorn shitting out rainbows on acid. I hated it, but I swore he kept it because it made me crazy. He was a vindictive little shit when he wanted to be.

My heart squeezed. I loved that. Ash could be just as stupid and petty as I was, even if he tried to pretend that wasn’t the case.

I walked down the street, stopping when I heard his voicemail. “This is Ash. Um, yeah, sorry, I’m not here, but just like, text me or something. I guess. Or I’ll call you!”

Snorting, I shook my head. His voicemail was every bit as people-pleasing and gentle as his personality. One day I wanted to hear him tell someone to go fuck themselves just because he deserved to say those words outloud. My chest ached as I called him again. This time, I found his phone. It was lying in a pile of trash, the screen cracked but still working. I bent down and picked it up. My eyes darted around me.

“Where the fuck are you?”

The ball of nerves in my belly twisted. I wanted to find him, to make sure that he was okay. Pocketing his phone, I turned on my heels, ready to search him out. Bright headlights blinded me. I threw my hand up to shield myself, but it didn’t take away the glare. Tires screeched, people yelled, and I felt hands on me.

“Fuck off!” I growled.

If they thought they knew who I was, they were sadly mistaken. No one would keep me away from Ash. Hands tightened around my wrists, a fist met my stomach, and I was still stunned by the bright lights and the noise. My head slammed forward, connecting with a hard skull as one of the men cursed. They moved away, and I took the chance to slam my fist into someone’s face. Every instinct I had screamed for me to fight.

“Get him under control!” a man snapped. His voice was familiar. “Hurry up. We don’t want to keep his little bitch waiting. That fucker Ash is already annoying.”

My body stiffened. Just like that, all the fight left me. Hands gripped my body, lifting and shoving me toward a car, but I let it happen. Whoever these fuckers were, they had Ash. My mind raced as I was forced into a car and stumbled before I was righted. Once I was up and the doors were closed, I stared into the front seat.

Weston grinned back at me. “Hello, Giancarlo.”

Recognition dawned. I didn’t say anything as I stared at him. The smile on his lips grew, a smug look taking over his features.

I barked out a laugh.Of course, this fucker is behind it.

“Where the hell is Ash?” He didn’t answer. “Ah, I see. This is because I stuck my cock in every one of your wife’s holes. Hey, that was a long time ago. I’m a taken man now. Why don’t you, ugh—”

The wind was knocked out of me as a fist jammed into my lungs. I focused on my breathing, slumped over and trying to regain myself.

“You’re going to pay for all of your bullshit,” Weston said. “I can promise you that.”

My lungs worked overtime to try to pull in the fresh air. I stared at him through my hair. As I did, I mapped out every feature of his face. For once, I didn’t have Silvy, but that was okay. I could make do without her. In the end, I would mangle his annoying fucking face until not even his own mother would recognize him in his casket.

Weston was going to die. The moment that was done, I was grabbing Ash, taking him home, and never letting him go again.

The weight of Ash’s gloves felt heavy in my pocket. I wanted to slip them on and go to town, to feel my fists smash into bone, draw blood, and watch them piss themselves. However, I couldn’t. Without saying a word, I straightened up, leaning against the cool leather of the seat as I was smushed between two thugs. What I knew, without a doubt, was that they would take me where I wanted to be. Eventually, I would get to see Ash. When I did, I would beg him to forgive my bullshit, to love me despite all my flaws, and even if he said no, I didn’t give a fuck; he would be mine.

I loved Ash too much to ever let him go again.

“Look,boss. He’s starting to smile.”

Another blow landed in the middle of the stomach. The little air I was able to suck in rushed out of me as white-hot pain took over. Every inch of me screamed in agony. It was all familiar, like a distant nightmare. This had been life at one point; pain, yelling, threats, and an endless cycle of despair, but it all changed when loud mouth obnoxious Giancarlo bought me.

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