Page 102 of Paid In Full

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Giancarlo turned away from me, but I still caught his smile. Damn asshole would drown me in debt. At the rate we were going, I was never going to pay my bill in full.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and moved closer. Gin slouched down slowly, leaning closer to me. We were opposites in so many ways, and yet there was an undeniable pull between us. Even now, on the couch, I wanted to be closer. If he’d let me, I’d sink my cock inside of him and be flush against him. It wasn’t even about sex. I just wanted to be as close as possible with Gin.

Pain seared through my flesh as Giancarlo’s elbow pressed firmly against the bruise on my hip. I sucked in a sharp breath, trying to hold back the cry that wanted to break free.

“What’s wrong?” he put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. The concern in his voice did funny things to my heart.

I shook my head. “Nothing.”

“It’s something,” Giancarlo growled. He yanked me off the couch, shoving up my shirt and tugging down my shorts just enough to expose my hip. “Where the fuck did this come from?”

“I must have hit something.” I shrugged as if it was no big deal. I’d been lying about bruises since elementary, and it wasn’t until high school that I didn’t have to lie anymore. That was when things had become worse, but an old habit wasn’t exactly easy to get rid of. Making up a story about where the bruise came from slipped free before I could even think about it.

Giancarlo stared at me. “Ash, this doesn’t look like you ran into something.”

I pulled my shirt down, and instead of telling him the truth like I wanted, I pushed on. “Random bruises pop up all the time. I’m fine. It’s just a little tender.” I grabbed the bowl of popcorn off the coffee table, desperate to move on from the topic. I hated lying to him; it felt like a razor blade was slicing into my tongue with every lie I spewed.


I pushed him back and plopped down on his lap. “Gin, I’m fine. I’ll be more careful,” I said as he started to get up mumbling about pain medicine. The next time I saw my father, I’d tell him he had to stay away from me. That I was never coming back. Right now, I just wanted to be close to Giancarlo. “Sit down with me.”

The thought of standing up to my father made my hands tremble. I clutched the bowl tighter and pressed firmly against Gin. I could do this. Fear laced through every fiber of my being, screaming I couldn’t. That it was best to stay quiet and good. However, if I stayed the way I was, I couldn’t continue to be at Gin’s side.

That was far more terrifying than any of my father’s many lessons. Gin’s arm wove around my waist, settling my chaotic nerves further. I sucked in a slow controlled breath. Grabbing a handful of popcorn, I stuffed my face before offering some to Gin. He ate out of my hand as we watched the green-haired guy bounce off walls.

“Wait, does he have superpowers now?”

Giancarlo groaned. “Five seconds! You were quiet for five seconds.”

“It’s a legitimate question. No one could do what he just did. And wait, the pink-haired girl is his love interest, then why is the blonde elf now interested in him? Does he have to choose?”

“Ash, watch the fucking show.”

“I’m trying, but wait a minute, is that— Isn’t that his sister? Why is she pressing her boobs all on him like that?”

“It’s anime!”

“That explains nothing. And why in the hell is his guy best friend more girly looking than his love interest? Wait, isn’t this supposed to be actiony? It started off with a huge fight, and now he’s getting girls.”

“I’m going to turn it off.” Giancarlo reached for the remote, and I hurriedly grabbed it and tossed it across the room. We both sat there in silence, the anime blasting in the background.


“I want to watch it. I’m just trying to understand,” I stressed.

Giancarlo blew out a breath. “Fine, I’ll explain it, but you have to shut up and actually watch.” He pulled me tighter against him, avoiding my bruised hip. “Might learn something from it.”

“Like what? How to pick up a group of women?”

Giancarlo groaned. “I’d cut your dick off before I let anyone else have a taste of you.”

Warmth encompassed me as Gin’s words settled deep in the pit of my soul. He didn’t want to share me.

“You make it sound like I belong to you or something,” I teased.

Giancarlo gripped my chin and turned my head. Our eyes met, and I was stricken by the severity of his gaze. “You’re mine.”

I waited on bated breath for the until or for now, but it never came. Fuck this. Hope would be the death of me.

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