Page 64 of Petals of Innocence

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“Galetia, I am so happy you have come and brought the coven with you. I’m sorry to take away from any fun you might be having, though I must speak with you about the vision I had earlier,” Etain rushed the words out.

Galetia smiled at her and nodded her head. “I, too, wished to speak to you about it. I was sure you would need some assistance processing your vision,” the witch said kindly. “Tell me everything, leave nothing out. I want to know how it looked and felt as it came on. What you felt and saw during the vision, and how you felt coming out of it.” Galetia had reached down and grabbed Etain’s other hand in comfort. It was something she often liked to do when having a serious conversation with another.

Etain was grateful for the connection. It helped calm her enough to gather herself so she could tell Galetia every minuscule detail she could remember. From the blinding white light to the foggy scene she hadn’t been able to see clearly through. She nearly cried again as she told the head witch of the pain she felt as she watched the being get swallowed by the black inky substance. It had instantly made Etain recoil. She recalled how she had tried to hold on to the vision, even as everything faded, to try and see who had become half the being they had once been. Last, she shared her fear of it being Ciaran who would be taken from her, since the pain she’d felt had been extremely intense.

Galetia was quiet for a moment as she considered everything Etain had said. She suddenly pulled a book to herself from nowhere and turned to a page that had already been marked. She scanned the page looking for something in particular.

Etain glanced at Ciaran and noticed he appeared to be off in thought. She couldn’t seem to get a feel for what he was mulling over. Finally, they heard Galetia make a noise as if she had found whatever it was she had been looking for. This caused both Etain and Ciaran to focus on her once more.

“After our session, I began to go through all the books the coven had on seers of the past. This particular book looked to have the most information in it, and I began marking pages that could help you understand your gift better when it finally emerged.” She squeezed Etain’s hand. “I didn’t think it would manifest this quickly, I must confess.” She smiled kindly at Etain.

“You seem to have found something. So what is it?” Ciaran asked with little patience in his voice. He gave the witch an apologetic nod when he noticed Etain’s glare at him over his tone.

“Indeed, I believe I have. I am not so sure how much this will help you. If you look here, it says something about the seer looking in on an event that may come to pass. It is possible for the seer to feel the strongest of emotions from her vision. The fact that it saysmaycome to pass makes me believe all visions are not destined to come to fruition. I don’t think you have to worry about your mate. We can look further into meanings and symbolism tomorrow. The black inky substance you described, however, is rather unsettling, and I have never heard of such a thing.”

Etain was still weary of her vision, but felt better knowing it was only a possibility.

“During the coronation the Land spoke to me,” Ciaran said, grabbing the attention of both females. “It spoke of a rot in the realm that was beginning to kill the land of both courts. I wonder if there is a connection between the rot and the disturbing black substance Etain described.”

Etain thought back to the way the substance had made her feel. She could definitely describe it as rotten.

“The land spoke to me as well. It not only told me I was to be Queen of the witches, but it also informed me of the rot in the realm. It said the witches needed to be protected. Interestingly enough, it was something similar to what Hecate said to me.”

Ciaran nodded while he looked to be deep in thought.

“What could it all mean?” Galetia wondered out loud. The three began trying to find ways Etain’s vision, the messages from the land, and Hecate’s warning all came together. They were deep in their discussion for so long, the beings who had been waiting to greet the new king and queen had dispersed.

Etain wasn’t displeased with her power to see the possible future, although she did find it rather difficult to discern what it meant. Galetia seemed to think keeping a journal might help over time. She could begin to find consistencies that would help her understand her future visions. The mention of a journal made her remember the hidden journal she had found in the Queen’s Suit, another mystery to unravel.

Etain sighed and rubbed at her temples; she was beginning to get a headache.

Fifty Two

Keshadbeendesperatelytrying to reach Anin all night. She had still been angry enough to leave the seat he had saved for her vacant during the mating ceremony. He felt that pain in his chest a little sharper at her rejection of him yet again. He knew he needed to fix whatever was fracturing between them, because he didn’t want to live a life without his mate. He finally accepted that’s what the bond was between them all along. He felt a fool for not seeing it sooner. Finding a mate was not so common, and since Ciaran and Etain were mates, he found it highly unlikely. During the ceremony, he couldn’t stop picturing it was him and Anin, which made him long for her to be near even more. He wondered if she felt similarly.

Throughout the celebration, he watched her dance with her sisters. Frequently they would lock eyes. She would give him a small smile each time, which made him hope they could work through their troubles. He tried to make his way to her countless times, every time they stepped off the dance floor for refreshments. Each time he was intercepted by a member of the court voicing their disgusted opinions about the witches being in attendance.

They were always careful to never mention their queen. Many of them were asking about the heads that were left on stakes in the main hall. He shoved off those who were only complaining about the witches, annoyed they would waste his time in such a way; however, he was interested in the ones asking about the heads, curious to see if he could sniff out any other traitors.

The second he told them how each former council member had committed treason by colluding with the King of the Day Court, many appeared truly appalled. They found it impossible to believe others had sunk to such pathetic levels. He took note of the few who looked to feign surprise and tried hard to seem disgusted. He would need to discuss them with Ciaran sometime during first night tomorrow, knowing his king would want to question them further.

He glanced around the room and noticed the witches had all left, likely because they had a long flight ahead of them. Had Anin spoken to him at all today, he would have told her he would happily port her sisters home if they wished to stay longer. Since he couldn’t see Anin anywhere, he figured she likely walked her sisters out to say her goodbyes. He was just about to go looking for her to make sure she hadn’t been accosted by one of his court, when she walked back into the ballroom.

Kes released the breath he had been holding; he had begun to panic that something had happened to her. That feeling something was coming had been building exponentially. He knew Anin needed to spill what she’d been avoiding soon. He only hoped her sisters had been successful in convincing her.

When he’d ported to the coven earlier requesting an audience with her sisters, he hadn’t expected to find them easily agreeable. They even admitted that Anin could often be stubborn and think the worst. It had taken them years to build their bond, but they agreed Kes needed to know to best protect Anin. They also agreed they would not betray their sister by telling her secrets to him. He had hoped the little smiles Anin had given him all night meant they had gotten through to her.

Anin looked to be searching for something, or someone, as she made her way through the beings. Then she spotted him and relaxed a bit. He nodded off to the side of the room a bit out of the way to talk, and she nodded her confirmation. As he made his way to the meeting place, he tried to think of what he was going to say. He was nervous he would put his clawed foot in his mouth again. They reached the spot at the same time. As he got close enough to her, he opened his mouth and hoped for the best.

“I’m sorry,” they blurted at the same time, which made them both smile and laugh nervously.

“Kes, I let my pride get in the way. I should have apologized when you knocked on my door and wished me goodnight. The truth is, I fear telling you what exactly I am running from in case you feel the risk is too great and reject me.” Anin shifted her gaze away in embarrassment.

Kes was stunned she could even think such a thing. He cautiously reached out his hand to cup her face and was pleased when she leaned into it. “Anin, there is nothing I wouldn’t protect you from. There is nothing you could do that would make me not want you. I know I have been a bit slow to realize it, but you’re my…”

Suddenly Etain stood and shouted, “This! This is it! This is what I saw! I can feel it!”

Everyone in the room was buzzing with confusion as a huge flash of golden light appeared. Etain screamed again and fearfully latched onto Ciaran with all her might.
