Page 49 of Petals of Innocence

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“Tomorrow, the crescent night will be a burning moon. This is a blessing for unions, to witches. The burning signifies a new beginning, since fire clears the old and allows the new to grow,” Anin said. “I know it is very soon, though – it seems like a good omen to me.”

Ciaran agreed, and Etain couldn’t help but agree as well. The date was set. Tomorrow at crescent night, they would have their mating ceremony and become the King and Queen of the Night Court.

Forty One

KesandCiaranportedAnin and Etain to the front gates of the Silver Moon Coven. Before they could blink, the gates were opening and Anin’s sisters were there to greet them. This time without the gawking mob of witches Kes had spoken of the night before.

“I sent a message to my sisters just before we left to allow them to be a touch more prepared for us,” Anin said with a wink. She turned and ran toward her sisters, doing her best to tackle them. The three looked determined for someone to wind up on the ground. They wrestled around like the farm boys used to do in Havenston when they were avoiding their chores.

Etain laughed as Anin used her wings to keep her sisters from being able to pull her down. They shouted over the lack of fairness before all of them broke out into laughter.

Ciaran appeared completely perplexed by the behavior of the three seemingly savage sisters.

“I swear she always cheats!” the taller of the two witches bemoaned in a teasing way.

Etain felt a pang of jealousy; she had never had a sibling. She also hadn’t had many friends when she was little, and by the time she had left Havenston, she had not one friend to count. The easy way Anin interacted with the two witches spoke of a history built out of love and experiences. Etain found herself longing for what Anin had.

Ciaran seemed to sense Etain’s sadness and gently pulled her into his arms wrapping his wings around them. He then took her face in his hands and looked into her eyes.

“Are you okay? If you are not ready for this, I will happily take you back to the palace. Just say the words.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m fine. I was thinking about how lonely my childhood was, and how I wish I’d had what Anin has with her sisters.”

His thumb caressed her cheek, and his eyes softened not in pity, but in understanding. While Ciaran had Kes growing up, the way of the Night Court kept them from becoming truly close. “I hope one day I can fill that void for you, little witch.”

Etain reached up on her tiptoes and Ciaran met her half way, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss. After confirming she was ready to face the group again, Ciaran unfolded his wings.

“Sorry, I needed a little privacy with my mate,” he smirked, alluding to having a small tryst, rather than giving away Etain’s need for a moment to collect herself. Her heart warmed at his thoughtfulness. Who knew the Prince of Darkness could be sweetly attentive to her while being truly brutal to others. Etain knew it was callous of her, but she rather loved he gave that side of himself to only her. She gave his hand a squeeze in thanks and told him she would send a message on her spelled scroll. She had used her magic to connect a thread to the one Ciaran had procured for her earlier to be able to call upon it anywhere.

Etain warily joined Anin and the two blonde witches, but was quickly relieved to be pulled right into the group, linking arms with one of the females she didn’t know. Her name, as it turned out, was Panella, and the other was Lyra. They were Anin’s adoptive sisters, Etain learned as they entered the coven.

Etain stopped in her tracks and marveled at the place. The building was a palace in its own right, but logically it should not stand. On the bottom was a simple hut, much like the one she left back in Havenston. Then stacked upon it was a hulking stone creation of arches, towers, and corbels. She even saw a stairway, which came directly from a window and abruptly ended several steps up to nothing. There were spires that twisted and moved to one side, only to twist back up again far into the clouds. None of this was visible from outside the gates, making the sight even more surprising.

Etain could not decide if it was beautiful or a monstrosity, though it was definitely something you couldn’t help but take in. The longer she looked, the more boggled her mind became. She was sure she was going to catch flies if she didn’t shut her mouth soon. Panella still had her arm looped through Etain’s, and it was her laughter that snapped Etain out of her amazement.

“I always forget how to newcomers this place must look impossible. Lyra and I were born here, so this is what we compare to everything else. You must understand how boring we think the palaces and manors of the courts are.”

Etain couldn’t help her laugh. She could see how this was true if this was Panella’s standard. “I never knew it was possible for a structure to be this wild and free. While at first I must admit it is unsettling, I become intrigued the more I look.”

“Well, unfortunately we do not have time for a tour today,” Anin said. “We must get you to the head witch, Galetia, for your lessons. I fear you have much to catch up on, and I have a sinking suspicion time is not on our side.”

Etain felt it as well. The need to prepare for something, but for what, she wasn’t sure. She nodded her agreement and the four of them entered the little hut. They took many twists and turns before climbing up a set of stairs. They reached a short hallway with a single door at the end of it.

Etain was suddenly nervous. She had never met another member of her family besides her mother. She was illogically afraid Galetia would not like her. She thought she might take one look at Etain, deny her, and send her on her way. She knew this was highly unlikely, but she was desperate to feel connected to family again, so she could not help but think the very worst.

Anin knocked on the single door, and within moments it swung open. The three sisters entered without being greeted, like Etain was sure they had done many times before. She watched as they made themselves comfortable on chairs and lounges around the receiving room. Anin got up, poured Etain a glass of something, and brought it over to her.

“You look like you could use something to settle your nerves. Don’t worry, it’s only herbal water, but I find it always settles me. Come sit with me. Galetia will be here when she is able.”

Etain gratefully accepted the drink and followed Anin to one of the lounges. As she sipped her drink, she did find her mind began to ease and her muscles relaxed. Whatever was in this water, she would need to learn how to recreate it.

“I would’ve known you as a Walsh witch at first sight!” said a woman with her hands clasped together in front of her heart. Her hair was nearly the same color as Etain’s, only streaked with gray, and there were antlers protruding from her head. They appeared to be made of tree bark and were somehow rather feminine. The effect was magical. She both looked human and fae, and her deep green eyes held unfathomable wisdom. The woman strode towards Etain, who had not realized she was standing, and grasped her hands.

“Hello, my dear – it is wonderful to be with kin again. My name is Galetia, and I am overjoyed to meet you.” Still grasping Etain’s hands, she looked towards the three sisters to send them on their way.

All three kissed the head witch on her cheek in farewell, and to Etain’s amazement, all three did the same to her. She was going to have to get used to having a community that openly accepted her.

“I’m positive this is all a bit much. We witches are nothing if not ostentatious. Please come sit and let us get to know a bit about each other. Then we can decide where to begin, shall we?”
