Page 74 of Power
My sobs broke free as I flung myself at him, not caring about anything anymore as I held onto the man who was part of my soul because there wasn’t any Sunny without Solomon.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Standing in the doorway, watching my daughter sleep was a sight I never thought I’d see again. I’d lost so much time, all because I put my trust in two men when I should have gone with my gut. I should have just told her everything. She would have understood. Hell, she would have stood beside me and helped, if I had just let her.
Instead, I once again kept something from her.
Something that wasn’t my secret to keep.
I should have told her about her father.
She had a right to know.
She had a right to know about everything.
Gently closing the door, I walked across the hall and opened the door to my son’s room. Stepping in, I carefully sat on his bed, running my hand over his mop of curly blonde hair. He looked so much like his mother, it hurt to look at him.
He’d gotten so big since I last saw him.
I wondered if he would even remember me.
Would he forgive me?
Grabbing his blanket, I covered him up, then quietly left, walking down the hall to our bedroom.
Mine and hers.
I knew she wasn’t in there.
She wouldn’t make it that easy for me, but what I didn’t expect was to feel her, and smell her everywhere when I opened the door and walked in. My emotions damn near brought me to my knees. Everything was as she left it. Bed unmade, dresser drawers open, clothes strung everywhere. Even a glass of water sat half empty on her nightstand.
It was as if time froze when she left.
And maybe it had.
“She’s not here, brother,” Bullseye said behind me.
“I know.”
“You home for good?”
I nodded. “My kids are here. I’m not going anywhere.”
I wasn’t leaving them again.
I’d lost too much already. I didn’t know why they were here and their mother wasn’t, but I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Without their mother, my kids were going to need me and, for once in my life, I was going to put someone else first besides me.
“Good, because we need to talk,” Bullseye said firmly. “Now.”
Turning away from the room, I faced my brother, as I headed back downstairs to find what remained of the California Chapter all standing around in my living room, watching, waiting for me.
Stepping into the living room, I was greeted by Daphne, Ink’s woman, who smiled before hugging me. “Welcome home, Reaper. Would you like a cup of coffee?”
“That would be wonderful. Thank you,” I nodded as she scurried away, Ink watching her every move. My brother had a good, gentle woman. I wondered if he knew how lucky he was.
How lucky all of them were!