Page 21 of Smokeshow

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“I’d be willing to bet your headache starts with aDand ends with a bitch,” he said.

I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing again. “You’d win,” I replied.

He laughed out loud this time and reached for the plate I had finished washing. “I keep waiting for Sax to dump her, but he’s too nice. I think he’s hoping she’ll break it off. Dude’s delusional.”

I handed him another plate. “Why does he think she will break it off?” I asked.

Trev rinsed the plate and began to dry it. “He never asks her out anymore, he avoids her the best he can, and he doesn’t text or call her—he only responds to her texts with brief replies after waiting hours to do so. The kind of shit most girls would get the hint from, but Declan has her talons in and isn’t going to let go.”

That sounded miserable. For both of them.

“That seems like too much work,” I replied.

“Yeah, it does. Wears me the fuck out, thinking about it,” he agreed.

We continued washing dishes for a few moments in silence, and then Trev leaned down closer to me.

“Wanna skip out and go have some fun?” he asked.

I glanced over at him, realizing he was really close. “What do you mean?” I asked, turning my attention back to the almost-empty sink.

“We can go out that back door and head over to my place,” he suggested.

I shook my head. “No, I don’t think so.” I wasn’t about to walk into that circus again.

“I swear, no pool, no hot tub, no Blaise, and no live sex shows. You ever played Grand Theft Auto?” he asked.

I handed him the last bowl. “I really hope you mean the video game,” I replied.

He took the bowl as he grinned. “Yeah. Unless you got a wild side I don’t know about and want to try your hand at the real thing.”

I laughed and pulled the plug from the sink so the water could drain out. “Definitely not. But I’ve never played a video game.”

Trev placed a hand over his heart, like he was wounded. “What? Are you serious? That’s a fucking tragedy.”

I took the dish towel from his hand and popped him in the chest with it. “Dramatic much?”

He picked up the dishes. “Do you know where this shit goes? We’ve got to put it away and go fix this.”

“Fix what?” I asked.


“What’s wrong with me?”

“Well,” he said, letting his gaze scan down my body and back up, “until a couple of minutes ago, I’d have said not a damn thing. But you’re lacking one big skill that I didn’t know about.”

“And that is … playing video games?” I asked, highly amused.

He nodded, as if this made complete sense. “Abso-fuckin’-lutely,” he replied. “Now, let’s get this shit put away and get out of here before they come looking for us.”

Part of me still wanted to go to my room and read. Even though I did enjoy Trev’s company. He was charming and made me laugh. His mischievous grin reminded me of a little boy who was up to no good. I found myself unable to tell him no.

“Okay, fine,” I agreed. “If you swear the rodeo squad is gone?”

“I swear!” He lifted his fist into the air. “Hell yes! Let’s do this.”

I laughed at him, shaking my head, then walked over to the cabinet where the plates went and opened it for him to put them inside. Then, I took the other items and placed them all back in the spots I’d found them. Once I was done, I wiped down everything and turned off the lights.

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