Page 57 of Fierce Seas

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As Jack headed into the garage, Scott moved into the comfortable lounge, started the gas fire, dropped into an easy chair, then pulled out his phone and called Elizabeth. She answered just as a roar of thunder boomed overhead.

“Whoa, that sounded like a bomb going off,” she exclaimed. “I saw sheet lightning over the water a few minutes ago.”

“Yeah, this storm has picked up strength. I didn’t expect it to be this bad. Lower the window covers just in case.”

“I was thinking about that. Please tell me you’re not sailing back in this.”

“No, I need to stay here overnight.”

“That’s a relief,” Elizabeth said, letting out a sigh. “Where have you taken David? I saw you carry him out of the hotel room.”

“He’s in a place we can question him without being interrupted. I’m sure he’ll be very forthcoming.”

“Uh, Scott, the way you pounced on him. You were so fast. Where did you learn to do that?”

“How did you know it was me? My face was covered.”

She laughed.

It made him grin.

“Your body, of course,” she replied, still giggling.

“Ah, I see.”

“Speaking of which, I can’t wait to see it again, naked and about to jump my bones,” she murmured, lowering her voice.

“It won’t be long, and I will, but that’s not all I’ll do.”

“Tell me more.”

“Not now.”

“Then you have to tell me where you learned to fight like that.”

“I don’t have to do anything.”

“If you want to jump my bones, you do.”

He paused. “Elizabeth, that sounded like a challenge. Are you sure you want to go there, little girl?”

“Stop calling me a little girl!”

“I’ll make a deal with you—little girl,” he retorted. “I’ll tell you about my training, if you tell me why you pulled that stunt on my boat six months ago.”


“Walking out on deck without your lifejacket after I’d told you explicitly to put it on. Why, Elizabeth?”

She paused. “Tell me about your training first.”

He was about to refuse, but he was weary. “I was a Navy SEAL.”

“Wow, that’s awesome,” she exclaimed. “No wonder you have such an amazing body. I take it that’s what you’re involved in now. A covert op to bring Conchello down?”

“Something like that,” he replied vaguely. “Now tell me why you blatantly walked out on the deck without your lifejacket.”


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