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I hold my head in my hands as I hide in the storage room at work. My head is pounding, it’s been hurting all night. Enough to keep me awake. Not that I could sleep without Jay being there anyway. I pull out my phone and re-read the message he sent this morning.

Jay: Sweetheart, I know you want space and for the good of your health, I’m giving it to you. But you have twenty-four hours before I’m coming back. I need to know you’re OK. Don’t push me away. Please. Xx

I put my phone on the desk face down and wipe the tears that stream down my cheek. I can’t stop crying, I cried all night. Binx even sat in the window and called for him. Why did I let it go on for so long? Why did I let him into our lives so easily? There’s a knock at the door dragging me out of my own head and Amy pokes ahead in.

“Hey, how are you doing?”

I shrug and go back to the spreadsheet I’m working on. My head hurts so much I don’t know why I’m bothering. It’s not like I can read any of the information on it anyway.

“What’s up?” I ask turning my chair to face her.

“You have a visitor, well two actually.” I look at her as my heart races. Please don’t let it be Jay. I can’t see him yet.


“Trudy and Alice.”

“Does she know?” I ask Amy nervously, she nods and I rub my face.

“She’s worried about you. Apparently, Jay turned up at hers drunk last night.”

“Drunk?” I ask. So he had gone out after all.

“She said he was in a mess. Didn’t know where to go or what to do.”

I look down at my hands on my lap and then sigh.

“Tell her I’ll be out now. Just give me a moment,” I say quietly. Amy nods and turns back to the door before stopping and turning to face me.

“Sadie, this might not be what you want to hear, but I’m going to say it anyway. Don’t push Jay away. You have been so happy and your headaches have even improved. Don’t make yourself miserable for no reason.

“Jay cares for you. Any fool can see that. Let him in and don’t ruin a good thing because a few idiots let you down. They aren’t Jay.” Amy doesn’t wait for me to respond she turns around and walks from the room, closing the door behind her.

I stare at it for a moment and wonder if she’s right. I’ve fallen for him hard and the thought of losing him now is enough to make me sick. So what will happen a month or two when he’s bored of staying in? Or holding my hair? Surely it’s better to end it now?

I just don’t know anymore. It’s all making my headache worse. The more I think of him the more I miss him and want him here. I turn back to my desk for my phone when my nose starts to hurt and I smell that strong burning scent I get when a migraine is starting.

“Oh shit.”

I stand to get my migraine tablets from my bag when I feel the pain explode in my head and my legs go from underneath me. My head bounces off the desk corner as everything around me goes black.

Chapter Sixteen


I’m not in the mood for these fucking meetings today. My head hurts after finishing a bottle of bourbon. I’ve not heard from Sadie either which isn’t helping.

I sent someone to sit outside her house for me this morning to let me know if she went to work or not. They reported back but she left at the usual time in jeans trainers and a hoodie. She always goes in looking professional so I know she must still be feeling unwell. I want to check on her but Trudy told me she won’t want me pushing her. That I need to give her space. Oh, I plan to, she has twenty-four hours and that is it and then I am going back to her.

My phone rings on the desk and I see Trudy’s name on the screen and end the call. I’m not in the mood for another lecture right now. Trudy listened to me last night and then gave me hell. This morning Trudy told me that she will never forgive me if I break Sadie’s heart. But like I said to her I won’t forgive myself either.

There’s a knock at the conference room door and Kelley pokes her head inside.

“Mr Neilson, your sister is on the phone.”

“Tell her I’ll call back after the meeting,” I sigh as I run my hand over my head.

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