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“Have either of you heard from our father since yesterday?” he asks. The twins both shake their heads. “Good, we have cut him off so expect him to try and weasel his way in through you guys,” Christian explains.

“So, he did know the whole situation?” Sean asks as I feel Maximus tense underneath me.

“Yes, he’s been pocketing the money he should have been paying the school and he’s been ignoring the fact that Jasmine was no longer living in the house. Don’t get me started on him charging her rent, that will be returned. Jason and I agreed that he would no longer get anything from us. If you guys want to give him anything then that’s up to you, but personally, Jason and I are done.”

“I’m happy to ignore the prick, he’s never done anything for us anyway,” Sean answers before looking at Maximus who nods.

“He only ever gets in touch when he wants something, I’m sure he will try soon enough,” Maximus adds.

“That’s decided then Tommy gets nothing from any of us anymore,” Christian confirms, and the three other brothers agree. Leaving me stunned.

“Just like that? You’re going to cut him off because of me?” I ask as I look at Christian. I feel Maximus’s hand on my back, but I’m focused on his older brother.

“Tommy has been a pain in our sides for a long time, sweetheart. He treated our mother like trash and didn’t even wait for her body to be cold in her grave before running off with someone else. Carol wasn’t the first person he was with after Mum passed. Everything he has is because of us,” Christian says calmly.

“We have only kept him around as we wanted to be sure you were looked after,” Jason says from his seat. I turn and look at him frowning.

“I thought he was the one who started your company? He told me he paid for your first gym?”

Sean laughs next to me. “He paid for a few boxing lessons for Christian, that’s it. After Christian’s first fight, he knew he could make money out of him, so he purchased the first property with the winnings. Everything that man has ever paid for has been from money that we earned. If it’d been left to him, he would be living in a gutter somewhere or dead from the number of people he owes money to.”

“But Mum and him were never home, they travelled all the time. If he has no money, how did he pay for that?” I ask.

“Us. It’s always been us,” Maximus states behind me.

“What an arsehole,” I sigh as I lean into his chest.

“Language baby girl,” Christian warns from the other sofa. I turn to him frowning.

“You swear, why can’t I?”

“Because it sounds wrong coming out of that sweet mouth,” he replies with arched brows. I open my mouth to reply, but quickly think better of it and shove some food into it instead. “Wise choice, sweetheart,” Christian chuckles before looking back to Jason.

“Speaking of the gyms, we need to tell Jasmine a little more about thebusinessas she may have caught a glimpse of what we sometimes do yesterday.”

“Why what happened?” Jason asks as he stays leaning forward in his seat.

“There was a bit of an incident with Jasmine’s landlord, whilst I was talking to you on the phone.” Christian turns to face me and gives me a soft smile. “Can you fill us in on what he did or said that scared you so much?”

“Do I have to? You dealt with him,” I answer, but one look from Christian and I know I have no choice. Maximus’s hand starts rubbing up and down my side as I put my fork down and focus on my food.

“He was mad about me moving out without giving him a month’s notice or payment and then made a suggestion or two on how I could pay him,” I answer not looking at anyone as Maximus’s hand stops moving.

“What did he suggest?” he growls as his hand tightens on my side.

“You’re hurting me,” I whisper as I place a hand over his which quickly loosens.

“Sorry, but what did he suggest?” He asks as he loosens his grip.

“He said that people would pay a lot of money to sleep with me. Or we could come to our own arrangement if I didn’t want to be shared,” I reply quietly, as I start pushing my food around on my plate. I quickly place it on the table in front of me and risk looking up at the guys. All four are staring at me looking like they are ready to hunt down the guy and kill him.

“I hope he isn’t still breathing Christian,” Sean growls not taking his eyes off me.

“He is, but not for long,” he replies.

“You cut the guys face with a knife, isn’t that enough?” I ask.

“I should have gutted him for speaking to you like that,” Christian growls before getting up and walking over to the small bar.
