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Now that Gabrielle is getting settled, I’ll be traveling to and from the West Coast, still managing the territories there for our family, and coming home every few days to my family. It makes me happy that I can continue my career and be a mother, and I know we’ll work it out.

I sigh and relax as I feel Evgenii step up behind me, sliding his arms through mine to wrap around my body. He kisses the back of my head and then rests his chin on my shoulder, looking at me through the mirror.

“How is my beautiful bride feeling?” he murmurs.

I rest my head back on him and sigh, “I feel like I’m the luckiest woman in the world. Together we can conquer the world for our family.

“I like when you’re feisty and determined. But why are you lingering here?” He kisses my neck, and I tip my head to the side, enjoying the attention.

“Just thinking about our lives and how much more complete I feel. You complete me.”

He kisses my neck again and whispers, “You complete me too.”

I smile and shift, turning in his arms to face him. I lean up and kiss him deeply, leaving no gap between our bodies as I press myself fully against him. We break the kiss, and he takes my hands, kissing them softly.

He fiddles with my wedding band and smiles, staring at it as he speaks, “While I loved your engagement ring, and it certainly looks beautiful on your other hand. I prefer your wedding band because it’s a symbol of eternity and that you are my wife.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Who knew you’d be a hopeless romantic.”

“Don’t tell anyone,” he whispers secretively, as though someone was listening nearby. “You’ll ruin my playboy image.”

I laugh hard at that. He pulls my hands gently and, walking backward, guides me to the four-poster bed in the center of the room. “Come cuddle with me.”

“You never want just to cuddle,” I point out.

He pretends to be offended. “I can. Come, I’ll show you.”

I get onto the bed, and once he settles back, I rest my head on his chest. His fingers tickle across my back lightly, and I sigh with happiness.

“You know, we don’t have to stop at one baby. We could have more,” I say quietly. I smile as he chuckles, and I look up at him. “Come on. Think of a cute little boy running around.”

“Gaby isn’t even a year old, and you already want another child,” he kisses my forehead. “We should wait until she’s two. She can have our attention for two years before we divide it among all the rest.”

“Lord, Evgenii, what if you get too old to have sex with me,” I pout.

He shifts, and I sit up and push myself back, resting against the backboard as he gets on his knees, “Me? Get too old to have sex with you? That will never happen, Shirl. The way you turn me on, we’ll be having sex in my nineties. If you want more kids, we can have a dozen. I will give you whatever you want.”

He switches positions to expose my belly and kiss it softly, “Honestly, I don’t care how many kids we have. I will love them all with my whole heart. You, though, you will have the most love from me. I will protect you. I will kill for you. I will spend my life pleasuring you.”

I stroke his hair softly, watching as he kisses my belly very softly. He grins as he repeatedly kisses my skin, “We can have a lot of practice between making children. I can seduce you every night...”

I let out a short laugh. “I told you that you wanted more than a cuddle!”

He kisses my belly, slowly working his way up. He pulls my nightie down to expose my still swollen and sensitive breasts and buries his head, moaning with pleasure.

I take a few deep breaths, watching him closely. He looks up and grins before he kisses my left nipple and then sucks on it. I gasp out, squirming where I sit. He holds my hips to keep me in place.

He moves to my right nipple, and I shiver, groaning, “Evgenii… don’t torture me...”

He slides his hand to my knee, then slowly traces circles up my thigh. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling until he reaches my underwear. He rubs up and down the fabric, pushing the material between my lips.

“Hmmm,” he murmurs against my skin, “Someone is very wet….”

He sits up and grins before slowly shuffling down the bed, “Relax and spread your legs.”

I shift my hips down so I’m lying more than I’m sitting and spread my legs to either side of him. He smiles, sitting on his knees. He watches me closely as he rubs the fabric between my pussy lips again, then he glosses over my clit, and it’s like electricity shooting through me. I am still so sensitive sexually.

This makes him smirk, and he slowly traces a circle around my clit. I know it’s swollen and waiting for him.

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