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Dominic motions for one guard to get us drinks. “I know Alessandro doesn’t like them, but there’s a truce in place so that our families aren’t at war. I don’t trust them at all. Other than that, they’ve been very quiet, which is always suspicious.”

I nod my head. “They’ve also made a truce with Ivan, but I have a very good reason to think they are going to betray both our families.”

“What’s that reason?” I have Dominic’s full attention now, and it makes me uncomfortable. Obviously, he knows what I did to Shirley years ago, so bringing this up now might be a sore point.

There’s nothing for it.

“Last night, I interrupted a dinner date between Mikhail and Shirley,” I say quietly. “Mikhail wasn’t happy.”

Dominic studies my face. “My sister Shirley?” I can hear the threat in his tone.

“Yes, but she left shortly afterward. I don’t think she was giving….”

“She wouldn’t. She learned the hard way after you took advantage of her,” his words are laced with venom, and I know I deserve them. “But that’s history, and although I wanted to kill you then, I have forgiven you and promised Alessandro I wouldn’t cut your dick off.”

I give him a strained smile. “It won’t happen again, I can assure you.”

“You’re right, it won’t. Keep your dick away from all of my sisters.” He sighs and looks away. “Okay, Shirley was probably just trying to get information from him. She’s brilliant and charming, and I bet she probably would have got a lot out of him if you hadn’t interrupted.”

I swallow back the rage I feel, thinking of what might have been between the two of them last night. Dominic seems to read my mind. “Don’t worry. I would have interrupted too.”

They bring us some lemonade, and I sip mine as Dominic turns back to the table he’s assembling. “I’ll speak to Shirley. I’ll see what she found out and if Mikhail dropped any interesting hints that might assist us in figuring out who attacked Ivan’s house.”

I finish my lemonade. “Rather you than me, she’s made it clear that she never wants to speak to me again unless it’s to deal with family business.”

It’s clear Dominic approves of this decision, and I stand up. “Be safe.”

“I’ll let Alessandro know to increase security,” he says, reaching out. We shake hands, and I leave.

In the car, as we’re driving out of the property, I take out my phone. I can’t help myself. I know that, but I have to try.

I text Shirley about what has happened at Ivan’s house and how she needs to move around with security because I think it’s Mikhail behind the attack. I ask her if she’s okay and if she needs anything.

I’ll say anything, really, to get any response from her, whether it’s good or bad. I just want to stay connected to her. I know she may move on, and I can’t hold onto this forever, but while I can, I’ll protect her with every tool of the trade at my disposal.

Chapter 15 - Shirley

My hand is shaking a lot, but it’s definitely there, that bastard little red line that means I’m positively pregnant.




It rises inside me from the pit of my stomach as though I’m going to throw up and settles as an intense pressure in my chest. I feel like I can’t catch my breath. This is a panic attack. I try to reason with myself. I tell myself I need to calm down, or someone might notice something.

I sit on the closed toilet lid, and my right leg bounces up and down as I stare at the little red line forming the plus sign. My world is over. My life is going to end. What the hell am I going to do?

When the Sorvinos informally adopted me, I was also christened and baptized a catholic. I can’t just run around and have a fucking abortion.

And what if Evgenii finds out? I haven’t slept with anyone else in months. It’s definitely his. Goddammit, I’m so thick! Why did I get drunk with him and fall into bed with him again as though he didn’t rip my soul to pieces and scatter it to the wind?

My phone makes a sound, and I look up sharply. I’m fighting back the tears as I take it from the nearby counter and look at the messages from Evgenii. A part of me wants to call him and tell him I’m not okay and that we should sort this out together. We can sort this out together and figure out how to make this work. I know I still have feelings for him, love and hate, but I don’t know if I can do that.

I put the phone back on the counter and hung my head. When I discovered what Evgenii had done to me and how he had used me, I vowed to put on my big girl panties and never rely on him or another man again and that I would never show weakness.

Oh, God, Helena suspects I’m pregnant. If she figures out I’m going to get an abortion, I will be disowned by the family, professionally and personally. I can’t disappoint them like that.

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